S| Honey~

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Prompt: #15-Food Play
Requested by @ElliotTheGayest


Shigaraki couldn't help but feel bad for his boyfriend. Dabi hasn't been feeling well for the past few weeks ever sense their mission.

Dabi seemed to've caught a cold, a student at the UA had to strike a fight in the coldest weather. He pushed Dabi into freezing cold water nearby with his quirk.

It didn't take long until the sickness began to take a toll on the older man.

So these past few weeks Shigaraki has been helping out in anyway possible to his dear boyfriend. Sometimes he couldn't help but feel he wasn't doing enough.

Dabi reassured him anytime his thoughts became to much to handle. Shigaraki was busy grabbing some honey tea and taking it back to Dabi in hopes it'll clear his throat from any discomfort.

Dabi took the tea and sipped a few times before setting it down. He grew a smirk which greatly confused the younger man. "What?" Asked Shigaraki.

"Wanna try what we've been talking about?", that seemed to click something in the shorter man's head. A warm blush formed over his ears and cheeks.

"Pervert.." he couldn't help but mumble, "You're sick right now so no" He spoke hoping they would end the conversation quickly.


"What do you mean so? You shouldn't overdo yourself!" Shigaraki spoke quickly. "Baby I'm alright now, sure I still have a slight sore throat but I don't have a fever anymore."

Which was true, Dabi had been getting better but they still shouldn't do anything right?

"Dabi.." the short male whined, "We can always wait if that's what you really want." Shigaraki wasn't all that upset at the idea.

In fact ever sense he thought about it his pants couldn't help but get tighter.

"Fine but if you are tired or start to feel bad we're stopping" Shigaraki spoke in a demanding tone.

Dabi only chuckled before getting up out of bed, "Want me to get the honey~?", Wait honey?

"Why honey?", "Well it's easier to make an excuse if the members catch us with it and plus it taste sweet and will last longer~"

Why was he such a tease?


Dabi quickly left to grab the honey while Shigaraki sat down on the bed and waited patiently.

Once the door opened Dabi quickly made his dominance clear, "Strip and get on the floor."

Shigaraki listened of course and quickly stripped before sitting on his knees on the floor. "I think you need to work for it~" Dabi whispered lowly before taking off his clothing.

"Suck" was all he had to say, Shigaraki kitten licked the tip and base a few times just to hear the soft grunts of his lover.

He hollowed his mouth and entered his boyfriends dick, slowly sucking him off.

Dabi grew impatient and slammed the younger down completely. Causing him to choke and drop a few tears. His face laid close to Dabi's stomach.

Dabi grabbed the others hair tightly and forced him up and down his length.

Dabi could help but smirk at the gagging his little slut was doing. Shigaraki knew exactly what to do.

That only excited him more. He pulled him off causing Shigaraki to cough violently as his oxygen came back.

"Lay down"

And so Shigaraki did, Dabi hovered over him after grabbing both the honey and the lube. He didn't bother for a condom.

He spread his lovers legs and squirted some lube into his fingers before sticking them into Shigaraki.

Shigaraki was a sucker for pain so he always started with two or even three fingers.

He worked his fingers into his lover, curling them until he found the others sweet spot causing his hips to buck.

Dabi pulled out his fingers and dripped some honey all over the youngers body. The cold honey caused Shigaraki to whine and shiver slightly.

Dabi pushed his dick into his lovers clenching hole. He loved how his lover tried to already push back onto him.

Once he found a rhythm it wasn't long until he earned loud moans from the man beneath him.

He licked the honey from every crevice.

He made a few love marks, picking up his pace as he thrusted into the others prostate.

They both grew incredibly close.

With a few rough thrusted and loud moans followed by screaming they both came with a loud moan.

They took a few seconds to regain their breath before Dabi pulled out.

Every drop of honey was gone, cum leaked out of his lovers hole.

Dabi stood up and grabbed a wet wash cloth, cleaning both him and Shigaraki before getting dressed.

The floor was surprisingly clean despite their activity.

They cuddled close together in the bed, falling asleep quickly. They can save showering for tomorrow.

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