F-S| Let me in

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Requested By @Foxy_Gurl_Mha_Chick
Au: omega-verse

(Shigaraki POV)

I grabbed some clothes from my closet and got dressed. I took a quick shower in attempt to ease my pain and stress.

Tomorrow I'm suppose to do in heat which I'm dreading greatly.

Once I was dressed I walked out into the living room where Dabi sat on the couch watching Toga convince the boys that she's a better gamer than them.

I walked over and sat on the couch, laying my head softly on Dabi's chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist in response.

"Hey baby, you smell really good" I chuckled, "Thanks hun, is my scent already strong?" I asked before turning my head to face him better.

He nodded, "Slightly but not to bad so it's nothing to worry about okay?" I nodded.

I smiled before pecking his lips then nose, I was aiming for his cheek after but he moved his head to tease me.

I stuck out my tongue before glaring at him playfully.

"NO!" Toga yelled, she just lost a round causing them to tie.

I smiled as I watched them. Dabi ran his fingers through my hair softly, my eyes began to droop before completely shutting.


I awoke in my bed cradled in my lovers arms. His grip was tight but not tight enough where I couldn't move or for it to hurt.

I smiled before kissing his lips before nudging him.

"Hm..?" He hummed before opening his eyes.

"Morning~" he simply smiled before pecking my lips. "Tease" I giggled before he flipped me over into my back. "You'll regret that later~" he husked lowly in my ear before nipping it.

I whimpered before he pulled away. "Dabi.."

"No baby, wait till it starts okay? We need to prepare some more."

I glared.

I huffed before getting up to help him grab a few more things before settling on making a nest. I wanted it to be perfect.

Once I was finished we settled in and cuddled. It wasn't long after that my scent shifted stronger, my breathing became heavy as my lips gaped.

Overall I looked ready to be  fuck.

My legs were spread, whines could be heard before Dabi pinned my arms above my head.

Growling before leaving dark marks all over my body.

He quickly undressed us before he teased my entrance with his fingers. Silk coated the nest, dripping down my thighs and Dabi's fingers.

The more he teased the more dripped out.

It wasn't long until Dabi pushed his tip in before bottoming out. "Move...please move!" I begged.

He growled and started to move quickly, it was rough and quick. Each slam hit my prostate causing me to jerk.

My eyes were rolled back, spit dripping from my lips while my back was arched and ached with each thrust.

I grew so close, Dabi's thrust grew sloppy, he slammed a few more times before we each screamed and rocked out our high.

Dabi made sure to clean us both including the mess of a nest after his knot died down.

Now we laid cuddled together, legs tangled while arms held each other tightly.

"I love you~"

"I love you to.."

I responded before quickly drifting back into a peaceful slumber.

Not very long but I still hope you enjoyed!

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