F| Happy Anniversary

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-Suggested by @XenisBored
-Au: Shigaraki owns a cafe while Dabi is a tatto artist. Not Villin Area, In fact their normal. Dabi's scars are now tattoos.

(Shigaraki POV)

I was finishing cleaning up around my store, we were closing early because of the upcoming holidays. Today was really busy and actually began extremely stressful.

We had to rearrange the settings so much just for more people to come in. But luckily it was over and I had nothing to stress about anymore.

All I wanted to do right now was go home to my husband and enjoy our anniversary together. Sadly we both had to work but that's alright because we'll just appreciate our time together.

I put up the broom and cleaning supplies I used to wipe down the tables and chairs along with the desk and back counters.

I turned off the lights before switching the sign on the door to closed and shutting the door and locking it.

I put on my coat due to the cold weather, snow decorated the air, the winter always seemed to be lively despite the harsh cold. I walked home listening to the crunch of the snow underneath my shoes.

It was always comforting to me, not sure why but it was. My house wasn't to far from the cafe so it wasn't a long walk, maybe 15 minutes if I walked slow.

Once I made it onto my porch I unlocked the door and headed inside. I took of my shoes and hung up my keys along with my jacket. Dabi said he would be late so I figured I'd clean up some from yesterday.

We got quite messy, our friends came over from their trip. Our family also visited sense we haven't really seen them in a few months.

I cleaned up the kitchen and the living room, other than those rooms the house was super clean.

I heard the front door open as I finished setting some dirty dishes into the dishwasher and starting it. "Hey princess" I heard an all to familiar voice say before wrapping their arms around my waist.

"Hey hun, how was work?" I asked while turning around to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck with a smile. "It was good, lots of people wanted some holiday tattoo or something that meant a lot to them."

"Oh, which one was your favorite?", "Definitely the one where a girl asked for a picture of a gift their pasted mom gave them." "How was your work love?" He asked giving me quick kiss.

"Super busy, everyone wanted some kind of food for the holiday", he hummed in response before kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss before we parted.

"I got you something~", "Hun the last time you said that you proposed to me" I said teasingly. He chuckled before letting go and walking off to grab a bag.

He handed it to me, I opened it and gasped. "You pervert!" I quickly said while hitting his chest slightly. "What~ Does my baby not like it~?" He whispered into my ear.

I blushed before pushing him away with a pout. "Shush!", "So~ What did you get me? Hm?" I only smirked. "Guess you'll have to see later~", that rose a wide smirk.

"Can't wait~" he spoke lowly. The rest of the day we spent watching movies, cuddling, kissing, and even essentially making out. We even had a fancy dinner Dabi prepared and lord when I say he's a good cook I'm not joking.

Once it turned dark outside we headed upstairs to finished our anniversary in a much more...romantic way. After we did such we laid cuddled close together tightly. I can't wait till next year.


Hi :)

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