F| Long Hair {Rewritten}

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🔅Just Wholesome🔅

Dabi POV

I gently caressed my lover's soft, fragrant white locks, the scent of strawberries and lavender enveloping us in a cocoon of tranquility. Across the room, Tomura's frustration with his game on the Switch was palpable, yet endearing as he clutched the console with gloved hands. Teasing him, I asked about his plans for his hair, noticing its graceful length. As he hesitated, I assured him of my admiration for it, relishing the sensation of running my fingers through its strands.

Sensing his vulnerability, I offered to braid his hair, a task I performed with practiced ease. His bashful reaction only endeared him further to me. As I carefully wove the strands into a neat braid, Tomura's tension melted away, replaced by a sense of contentment. With each stroke of the comb, I savored the intimacy of the moment, the quiet exchange of trust and affection between us.

After our shared shower, we returned to the comfort of our room, clad in cozy attire. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm aura over the room as we settled into bed, the rhythmic sound of our breathing filling the silence. Tomura curled up beside me, his head resting on my chest, his steady heartbeat a comforting reminder of our bond.

Lost in the gentle embrace of sleep, I found myself reflecting on the journey that had brought us together. From the moment we first met, our connection had been undeniable, a magnetic pull drawing us closer with each passing day. Through moments of laughter and tears, triumphs and challenges, we had forged a love that was as resilient as it was profound.

As I traced circles on Tomura's back, I marveled at the depth of our bond, the way in which we complemented each other in ways both big and small. In his arms, I found solace and strength, a sanctuary from the chaos of the world outside. And as we drifted into dreams, I knew that no matter what the future held, we would face it together, hand in hand, hearts entwined.

With a tender kiss on his forehead, I extinguished the lamp, embracing him tightly as we surrendered to the embrace of sleep, grateful for the love and companionship we shared. And as the night unfolded around us, I whispered silent words of gratitude to the universe for blessing me with such a beautiful soul to call my own. In that moment, surrounded by love, I knew that we were exactly where we were meant to be, together, forever.

In the morning light, we awoke to the gentle chirping of birds outside our window, a symphony of nature welcoming the new day. Stretching lazily, we exchanged sleepy smiles, reveling in the simple joy of being together. With a shared glance, we knew that the day ahead held endless possibilities, yet no adventure could compare to the quiet moments we shared in the sanctuary of our love.

As we prepared for the day ahead, our movements synchronized in perfect harmony, a testament to the deep connection we shared. With each glance, each touch, we reaffirmed our commitment to each other, promising to navigate life's twists and turns hand in hand.

And as we stepped out into the world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, we did so with the knowledge that no matter what the future held, we would always have each other. For in the end, it was not the grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection that defined our love, but the simple, everyday moments we shared, each one a testament to the depth of our bond.

Hey Strawberries!
Sorry this was so short but I still hope you enjoyed it!,

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