F| My Family

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Maturity: Fluff
Dom: Dabi Sub: Shigaraki

(Dabi POV)

I awoke softly to the sound of birds chirping, the warm summer breeze blowing past. I attempted to move when I felt a heavy weight lay upon my chest. I looked down as a smile rose to my lips lovingly, my husband and kid laid cuddled close. I gently played with my husband's soft and silky locks, he stirred slightly before opening his beautiful red orbs. A lazy smile wore proud on his lips before he carefully sat up to better face me, "Morning.." he spoke lazily. "Morning love" I spoke back shortly, I gave a quick kiss on his forehead before Akio stirred.

He woke shortly and adjusted himself further more on my lap before speaking, "Morning.." he said with a cute yawn, I'd like to say he gets it from Tenko. He jumped off my lap and walked towards the kitchen most likely to search our cabinets. Tenko faced me with a smile before lashing his soft lips onto mine, it shocked me at first but I quickly responded. The kiss was filled with love, not lust, a simple gesture of affection between two lovers.

We broke apart shortly just to leave us getting lost into each others beauty before our lovely son had to 'ruin' the moment. "Okāsan!" our son yelled, "Yes love?" Tenko replied back. "Can I have ice cream?" He asked with a cute smile, Tenko sighed before nodding causing him to run off full of laughter. I laughed softly before standing up grabbing Tenko to make sure he didn't fall. He yelled and clung onto my like a koala, burying his face into my neck.

I carried him to the kitchen where Akio was busy stuffing his face full of dairy treats. I gently sat Tenko on the kitchen island, he barely let go before glaring with a pout. "Okāsan can we play?" Akio asked once he finished washing out his empty bowl. "Of course baby" Tenko spoke softly before hopping off the counter, I smiled at this, both loves of my life happily playing. Tenko chased Akio around the living room before catching him and tickling him filling the room full of laughter.

Days like these made me grateful for my family, years ago if I hadn't built up my confidence to ask out Tenko I would've never had this. Tenko accepted me without a thought just like the day I promised to forever be by his side, a beautiful ring that we always wear together. A symbol of our everlasting love, hope and determination to keep this relationship and family the best it could be. A simple man like me having a life full of love and wonder is something I never thought I'd have but here I am, happy with the most beautiful husband and kid I could ever ask for. Thank you Tenko Todoroki for giving me hope and love in this life.

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