S| Purple Lingerie~

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Prompt: Shigaraki wears Dabi's favorite lingerie to bed.
Requested By: @adoreekirby


(Dabi POV)

I wiped the sweat off my forehead before getting back into position.

I started up my quirk, smirking before giving an attack. Toga followed from behind and quickly ran up to give a quick slice with her knife.

Everything was going perfectly, we all still stood proudly while the other team barley had anyone left. Once we defeated the other team we finally made it back to our get away car we stole not to long ago.

The car ride was filled with snarky remarks in regards to the losing team. "They were soooo bad!" Toga stretched out.

"I'll admit we did good" I joined in.

I sighed happily yet exhausted. I couldn't wait to get back to the base and cuddle my soon to be husband.

Shigaraki stayed back to rest, he's really been over doing himself these past couple months so the team forced him to stay back.

We finally made our way back, parking the car in a secret area before heading inside.

We each headed into our room, I slowly opened my door incase my fiancé was sleeping. I smiled at him softly.

He was bundled up under the covers, I quietly grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

It didn't take me very long, I closed the door behind me only to gasp softly before widening my eyes. There laid my fiancé with the covers pulled off wears my favorite lingerie I bought him.
(Pic Above)

I could feel a tint form in my sweats, my face heated up a bit while I bit my lip harshly in hopes that maybe just maybe it would go down.

I sighed knowing nothing in this world could make me unhorny.

I slowly stepped closer to my lover before gently shaking him, he mumbled incoherently before opening his beautiful ruby eyes.


He asked softly, voice thick with sleep.

"Hey..sorry to wake you but..I have a.. situation", he looked at me confused before trailing his eyes down my body before they widened.


I laughed nervously before gaining back my confidence. "Wanna help me?", he grinned and nodded.

I smirked before roughly pulling him towards me. I sat down on the bed and practically threw him to sit on my legs.

His embarrassed face was so cute. I pecked his lips before he responded. Deepening the kiss, our tongues fought for dominance and I of course won.


He moaned softly, I fondled his ass making him moan and squirm.

I smacked his ass causing him to tense before moaning. "Take off your panties~", he nodded and quickly took them off.

Once they were discarded he grinded roughly onto my bulge before huffing and ripping them off my legs along with my boxers.

"Go ahead~ I know you want to~" I teased.

He huffed once more before sticking out his tongue, "Wanna be bratty huh? We'll see how long that last~".

I slammed him down into my 8 inch causing him to mewl and arch his back while giving out a high pitch moan, letting some drool drip while his eyes rolled out.

I didn't bother to let him adjust, I kept fucking him on my length, "D-Dabi! G-Gnah! Ah!" He couldn't even make out a proper sentence, that made me harder.

I could feel myself get closer and I could tell Shigaraki was to by the way his moans became more high pitch.

I thrusted a few more times into his prostate. He came loudly onto my chest, breathing roughly as I came.

"I love you.." I said out of breath, "Love you to.."

I kissed his lips before pulling him off, I watched as my cum dripped out his plump ass. He laid down instantly, I chuckled and went to grab a wet rag.

Once we both were clean and redressed we cuddled close under the back up cover we keep stored for times like this.

I definitely picked a keeper.

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