S/F| Sleep Over {Rewritten}

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🔅Contains mostly wholesome writing but contains adult themed party games. (Not heavily) 🔥

(Toga's POV)

The evening began with a sense of anticipation as I stood before the mirror in my spacious bedroom, meticulously crafting a hairstyle that deviated from my usual look. With deft fingers, I wove intricate double braids, each strand a testament to my creativity and flair. As I admired my reflection, a mischievous grin tugged at the corners of my lips. Tonight would be different, a departure from the usual chaos that defined our lives.

Hours earlier, I had orchestrated – or perhaps coerced – the members into agreeing to a sleepover. With tensions simmering among some of them, I saw it as an opportunity to foster a sense of unity within the group. Donning my favorite yellow and black checkered pajama pants and a simple white t-shirt, I made my way to the living room, where the stage was set for the night's festivities.

The room had been transformed into a cozy sanctuary, with blankets strewn across the floor and an array of snacks and drinks adorning the coffee table. Board games of all kinds were stacked neatly on one side, promising hours of entertainment and friendly competition. Despite the occasional snide remark or playful jab, there was an undercurrent of excitement as we settled in for the night.

Twice, my ever-loyal companion, sat beside me, his mirrored outfit reflecting my own sense of camaraderie. As the evening unfolded, laughter filled the room as we delved into rounds of truth or dare, each revelation drawing us closer together. It was a rare moment of intimacy amidst the chaos that often defined our lives, a chance to let down our guard and simply enjoy each other's company.

(Shigaraki's POV)

I grumbled under my breath as Dabi's incessant teasing threatened to unravel my patience. Toga's entrance provided a welcome distraction, her departure from her usual appearance catching my attention. Despite my irritation with Dabi's antics, I couldn't help but admire Toga's confidence and poise.

As the evening wore on, tensions seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and lightheartedness. The game of truth or dare proved to be revealing, with each member taking turns sharing secrets and daring feats. Despite my initial reluctance to participate, I found myself drawn into the spirit of the game, sharing laughs and banter with the others.

When the suggestion of spin-the-bottle arose, a mixture of excitement and apprehension rippled through the room. As fate would have it, the bottle landed on me, prompting a reluctant shuffle to the closet with Dabi by my side. In the confined space, conversation flowed awkwardly until Dabi broached a more serious topic.

His inquiry about my prosthetic hand caught me off guard, stirring memories and emotions I had long suppressed. Despite my initial hesitation, I found myself opening up to him, revealing vulnerabilities I rarely shared with anyone. His understanding and empathy softened my defenses, forging a bond that transcended the confines of our makeshift confessional.

The kiss that followed was unexpected yet electrifying, igniting a spark of desire that had long smoldered beneath the surface. In that fleeting moment, surrounded by darkness and uncertainty, I found solace in Dabi's embrace, a sense of connection that defied explanation.

As we emerged from the closet, hand in hand, I couldn't help but feel a shift in the atmosphere, a newfound sense of closeness among us. The night passed in a blur of laughter and companionship, each shared moment strengthening the bonds that held us together.

And as we finally retired to bed, tangled in a mess of blankets and limbs, I couldn't shake the feeling of optimism that coursed through me. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, I knew that with the support of my comrades – and perhaps a newfound ally in Dabi – we could weather any storm that came our way.

Hello strawberries!
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