F| Lazy Kisses

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This takes place months after they started dating.


(3rd Pov)

Dabi woke up from the bright sunlight shining through the large windows placed evenly throughout the room. He slowly opened his eyes and turned over to look at his lover who cuddled close. A smile rose on Dabi's lips before he softly pecked the other males lips.

Pride over took Dabi as he silently stared at his lover. Shigaraki stirred before his eyes opens, making eye contact with his lovers. A lazy smile placed on his lips before he rose up slightly to lazily kiss Dabi. Dabi didn't wast time to react and lazily kissed back.

The kiss was short and sweet, a simple gesture between lovers, "I love you" Dabi spoke, "Love you to" Shigaraki answered back. They didn't bother to get up, instead they stayed in bed huddled close, just enjoying each others company.

They always spent mornings like this, sharing soft kisses and shirt conversations while cuddling the day away. It never was a problem for either of them. They simply enjoyed each others sweet presents, possessively keeping each other to themselves.

If anyone wanted to bring them apart they'd have to try extremely hard. If not then neither are going anywhere.


Yeah I know it's extremely short but hey, at least I posted ^^ If you have any suggestions then please leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed this short fluff one shot! <3

Love you🤍

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