Secret Knowledge

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PLZ read authors note at the end, thank you

10 year old Riley sat in her room, next to the board game "Mastermind". It was her favourite game, even though most girls in her class found it boring. Little Riley wasn't an outcast, but she definitely had her geek moments. Right now, most of her friends were probably playing outside, but she was in her room reading. It was 'The Cupcake Diaries', one of her favourite series. Suddenly, she heard laughing from across the hall-Emily's room. She decided to go investigate. Awkwardly making her way to the door with one of her feet asleep, Riley knocked. However, no one in the room heard because of the giggling, so Riley just walked in. "Um, h-hi." She stuttered once she realized one of Emily's friends was over. "Oh, Riley! Hi! Leila, this is my younger sister Riley. Riley, this is my friend Leila-Rose, but everyone calls her Leila." Riley and Leila waved at each other, and Leila's warm smile gave Riley the confidence to ask something. "Do you wanna play Mastermind?" And so they did, but Riley noticed something. The look on Emily's face was happy...but a special kind of happy. Her cheeks were turning red a lot, too. Riley recognized this look. It's the look she saw in the mirror after her crush, Xavier, walked by or talked to her at school. With the help of the Internet, Riley eventually understood. Just like she understood she couldn't say anything about it, not even to Emily, after seeing the news story. After that, Leila stopped coming over. When Riley was at Emily's middle school for open house, she saw Emily give Leila the cold shoulder. Emily had ruined what could've made her so happy. Riley saw the same look when Emily touched Michelle's hand. She knew that Emily was just going to freeze Michelle out. But she couldn't let that happen this time. She loved her sister too much to watch her destroy her own happiness.

Hi guys! Oh my goodness I feel so bad! All of you are awesome and I haven't updated in a while! Between being sick, studying for a million quizzes, finishing a bunch of projects, and getting ready for my cousin's Bat Mitzvah, I just haven't had time! I really try to update this book ASAP, and I will continue to try! Thanks so much for reading and being the best fans ever! Luv u!


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