Riverside Cafe

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Narrator's POV:

NOTE: Lincoln Park, mentioned last chapter, was changed to Riverside Cafe, as I forgot that in my book, it's winter! ...Oops! :)

It was now 7:30, and both girls were rushing to make their appearance picture-perfect! Michelle had gone with a light pink sweater with a white deer on it, a white scarf with little gold buttons, white jeans, white boots, and gold stud earrings. She had put her hair up into a long, wavy ponytail, tied together with a light pink hair tie. Emily had gone with a red sweater, dark blue scarf, dark blue jeans, black boots, small gold hoop earrings, and a red knit beanie. She had curled her hair. Taking one last look in the mirror, both girls took a deep breath, ready to start their evening. Emily waved goodbye to Riley, who mouthed 'good luck'. Emily smiled. Riley was the only one who knew why she was actually going to the cafe. To her parents, it was just to grab a drink. Luckily, neither of them mentioned her outfit when she said goodbye. It looked a little strange for just grabbing a coffee, and Emily definitely wouldn't be wearing this if that's all she was doing. Michelle, on the other hand, avoided her parents on her way out. She had almost made it put the door without talking to anybody, when someone tapped her shoulder. She jumped, turning around to see Imogen. "Hey," She greeted her little sister, praying she wouldn't question her. She didn't. Instead, she just hugged Michelle. "Good luck." She whispered in her ear, making sure her parents wouldn't hear. Michelle pulled away. "What do you mean?"Michelle asked. Imogen didn't know where she was going...did she? Imogen ignored her sister's question, instead just saying "You're the best sister ever, and I love you, you know that? No matter how much time I spend at dance or trying to get honour roll, I'll always have time to spend with you. No matter what. Nothing will make me not love you. Nothing." Imogen repeated, making sure she drilled the word into her sister's brain. She walked upstairs and closed her room door without another word, leaving Michelle speechless at the door. But she would have to think about it later, because right now, she had to meet Emily. Storing the conversation into the "think about later" part of her brain, she walked out the door, into the crisp air, and into one of the most nerve-wracking nights of her life. Emily had gotten to the cafe first, sitting in the most private booth she could find. She scanned the menu, think of what to order. As soon as she made her decision, Michelle walked in. Emily's breath hitched. Michelle looked beautiful. As soon as she turned around and saw Emily, Michelle's reaction was the same. Both girls locked eyes, Michelle slowly walking over to join Emily. As Michelle took a seat, Emily made the brave decision to speak first. "Hey...you look...great." She started, fumbling over her words. Michelle smiled. "Thanks. So do you." This made Emily smile as well. Both girls giggled, turning to the menu on the wall. "Do you know what you're getting?" Michelle asked. "Yea, I decided before you got here. You?" Asked Emily. "Yea. I always get the same thing." Michelle informed her. The Riverside Cafe was not the type of place you would go for a frappuccino or whatever - please just go to Starbucks! But if you wanted a comforting hot chocolate, or a nice coffee, this was the place. They only did classic, but they did it best. Approaching the counter, Emily went first. "How may I help you today?" The barista, whose name tag read 'Violet', asked. "Could I please have a medium sized latte?" She asked. "Sure. Would you like to pay an extra dollar for a custom foam design?" She asked. Emily thought that was cool. "Sure. A heart please." She requested, glancing at Michelle, who was smiling and blushing. "And for you?" Violet asked, turning to Michelle. "A hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon please. Also a blueberry biscotti." "Is that all?" Asked Violet. Michelle was about to answer yes, but she had an idea. "Also a strawberry biscotti please." She added, as the girls paid for their order, going back to their booth. Michelle handed the strawberry biscotti to Emily. "Aw, Michelle, you didn't have to do that." Emily smiled. "Oh, but I did. Their biscotti's are amazing! But of course I knew you would prefer the strawberry one over the blueberry, lemon, or chocolate chip." Michelle answered, smiling back. Emily was so flattered Michelle knew these things about her. Of course, she also knew these things about Michelle, but it was still amazing. Both girls nibbled and sipped, sharing their stories. Emily told Michelle about Leila, even though Michelle already knew from Riley. She still pretended she had no idea, but in a way, it was almost like a different story. With Emily telling it from her point of view, talking about how she had felt, it felt so much more...real, and emotional. Michelle talked about the holiday party onward, and when she finished, Emily piped up. "Really? You didn't have any signs before?" She asked. "No...I don't think so." Michelle answered, wracking her brain. "I can't remember a time when-" Suddenly, she gasped. "Oh my goodness, how could I forget?! I do remember something!" She said, ready to share the memory.

Ha ha, cliffhanger! Over 900 words again, self-five! 🙏 (Did you know that's actually a high five emoji, not a praying one? #truefact) The next chapter will be out on Saturday, as it is the Halloween special! That's right, Michelle will be flash-backing to a Halloween dance from her childhood. What happened that hinted at Michelle's sexuality? And, as a special treat, (Halloween, trick or treat, get it?), there will be a super cute Michemily moment at the end!!

Next chapter teaser: Uh...read above, dude⬆️

I am honoured that I got to live on November 11th, 2011, at 11:11 (11, 11, 11, 11:11). It was truly historical. (SO MANY ONES!!!!!!!)


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