Questions Challenge

395 19 2

I was dared by Care1021 to do this Wattpad challenge. Thanks!

Real Name: Samantha

Nicknames: Sami, Sam

Male or Female: Female

Middle School: My age shall forever remain a mystery😏

Hair: Brown (and really long)

Tall or Short: Short

Shorts or Jeans: I hate them both, leggings all the way!

Phone or camera: Uh...both?

Health freak: Me? A health freak? That's hilarious!

Oranges or Apples: Apples, but I don't really like either or them

Crush: That shall also remain a mystery (I'm serious, I haven't told anyone, not even my best friend)

Guy or Girl friends (Notice the space between guy/girl and friends): Girl

Piercing: Nope, my skin is the most sensitive skin ever (I got a rash from skin wipes, made to help with sensitive skin!)

Pepsi or Coke: Coke 100%

Ever been on a plane: Multiple times

Been in a relationship: Nope

Been in a car accident: No, thank God

Been in a fist fight: No (and if I ever am, I'll lose, I have the strength of a feather)

First award: Do swimming badges count?

Talents: Writing, reading, acting, improvisation, swimming, computers

Last person I talked to: Little965

Last thing I watched: The Fosters (Jonnor is life❤️)

Last song I listened to: Talk by Sammi Sanchez

Last thing I bought: A hair bow

Favourite food: Steak

Favourite drink: Chocolate milkshake

Favourite bottoms: Black leggings

Favourite flower: Daisies

Favourite animal: Unicorns, duh

Favourite colour: Pink

Favourite movie: The Wizard Of Oz

Favourite subject: Literacy


Celebrated Halloween: Yes

Been heartbroken: Yes

Had someone like me: Yes

Hated someone because of change: Yes

Pretended to be happy: Yes

Left the state: I live in Canada...we don't have states...

Fought with a friend: Yup


Eating: Strawberries

Drinking: Water

Listening to: The vacuum

Sitting or laying: Sitting

Getting ready to: Eat, watch TV, and sleep, considering it's 7:40pm

Waiting for: Dinner to arrive (Swiss Chalet, yum)


Want kids: YES!

Want to get married: Yes!


Killed someone: NO!!!

Broken a bone: Almost

Cried when someone died: Yes


Myself: Yes

Miracles: Yes

Heaven: Yes

Aliens: Yes

God: Yes


Do I hate someone: Yes

Did you answer truthfully: Yes, are you calling me a liar😠

Did you enjoy this challenge: Yes☺️

I dare jiley_TLA and atroupper to do this challenge!

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