Michelle's House: The Second Night Part 1/The 2015 Holiday Special

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Riley's POV:

Dear Diary,

It's now 8:57 AM the next morning. After I finished writing in you yesterday, Christina made us a delicious breakfast of pancakes! One of the pancakes had gotten a little messed up in the pan though, and it kind of looked like a Christmas tree. I chuckled along with everyone else, but I also felt sad. It reminded me of how mom and dad used to make us Christmas tree shaped pancakes on Christmas Morning. I excused myself from the table soon after, and came up here, to my room.

I just kind of got sad I guess, thinking about mom and dad. I mean, those times were so happy, but really all this time, they've been such terrible people. I mean, of course I still love them! But...the things they said...they were just awful. I guess I should really hold onto those happy memories, huh?

Well, that's what I did. I just kind of laid down on my bed and remembered all those Christmases. My favourite was when I was 9. I woke up that morning at 6:00 AM, then ran to everybody else's rooms to wake them up too. Once I had practically forced everyone out of bed, we got to open our presents! I had wrote a letter to Santa asking for new ballet slippers, an American Girl doll, and accessories for that doll.

I had gotten all of those things, and I was so excited! The ballet slippers were purple, my favorite color. Actually, they kind of remind me of the necklace I got this year from Giselle! The American Girl doll was a "Truly Me" doll, and it did look like me! It was the one with light skin, layered brown hair, and brown eyes. I also got the "Pretty Plié Ballet Outfit For Dolls", the "Sparkly Hair Pick For Dolls", the "Purple Espadrilles For Dolls", the "Purple Peacock PJ's For Dolls", and the "Plaid Party Dress For Dolls". Notice a theme, Diary? I'll give you a hint: PURPLE! I was obsessed with purple! The only non-purple thing was the doll itself, and the ballet outfit.

After that was when Mom made the pancakes, and I doused mine in syrup! My face and hands were so sticky by the end! I made sure to wash them really, really well before playing with my doll! First I had to name her. I was thinking "Mini Riley", but thought that was too boring. I asked Em to help me, and she suggested Christi, because she was a Christmas gift! I thought this was genius, mainly because I looked up to Emily so much, and so Christi Beaton-Raymond was born! I never did come up with a middle name, but maybe I will someday. Christi is currently on the night table next to my pull-out couch. Yes, I brought her. Don't judge me Diary, she's associated with a really happy memory!

The rest of the day yesterday was pretty normal. Michelle, Em and I played a ton of "Just Dance" though. You'd think we'd be good at it because we're dancers, but we were all pretty terrible! It did tucker me out however, and I slept through the whole night, without waking up to move to Emily's bed. So I'm not really sure what happened last night...

Anyway, I should probably get ready for dance now. It's me and Em's first day going from Michelle's house, and it definitely feels a bit strange.


Merry Christmas!!! And of course happy holidays, for people like moi☺️ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's a bit short, but this entire mini series of diary entries will be. Even so, I still think it's a nice way to introduce this plot change, don't you?

Next chapter teaser: Now it's Emily's diary, and her entry's about what happened last night (which is why this chapter's called "Michelle House: The Second Night Part 1" ), and also Riley's diary entry of the third night!

"That kebob, was kebad." -West


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