PFLAG Canada Part 1 (yes, this is a chapter)

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NOTE: PFLAG Canada is a non-profit organization for the LGBT community. One of the things they do is hold meetings for families and friends of LGBT people and LGBT people themselves to come and share their stories, and support one another. Learn more here:

Michelle's POV:

Today, I'm taking Emily and Riley to a PFLAG Canada meeting. They've been through quite a bit with their parents, and I think this could help them. I mean, Emily's part of the LGBT community, and Riley's her sister, so this is perfect for both of them.

We're currently in the car, and I can feel Emily's leg shaking. A classic sign that she's nervous.

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about." I assured her.

"I know. It's just hard sharing this with people I don't even know!" She exclaimed.

"You may not know them, but they're our community, babe. We're there for each other even if we don't know each other - that's what a community is. That's what our community is."

She smiled a bit. "You're right. Thanks for that."

"Any time." I told her, pecking her cheek before turning my attention back to the road in front of me.

We pulled into the parking lot a few minutes later, and when we entered the building, I could still see Emily's hand shaking a bit. I let it slide, knowing that she would feel more comfortable after getting to know people.

However, when we entered the room, all three of us gasped. Amanda was here. Why was Amanda here? I wanted to go up and talk to her, but then the meeting began, and we all sat in a circle of chairs in the middle of the room.

"Welcome everyone. My name's Jonathan, and I'll be running the meeting today. You'll take turns sharing, and you can pass if you want. Anything you say here is confidential. It's a safe place. Why don't you go first?" He turned to a guy on his right.

"Sure. My name's Tyler, I'm 18 years old, and I used to be Taylor. Ever since I was little, I hated when I was put in dresses, and I hated my long hair. Whenever we had a fancy event, my mom would make me wear a dress. I would throw every fit imaginable, but she wouldn't budge." He started.

"When I was about 8 years old, my parents decided they were going to get me professional help, since they couldn't figure out what was wrong. Eventually, they were told I was showing classic signs of being transgender. My dad was okay with that, but my mom wasn't. When I was 12, my dad passed away, and things took a turn for the worse. My mom started drinking, and eventually kicked me out, after I told her I wanted to cut my hair short. I was alone on the streets at only 12 years old. I was lucky enough to have an amazing aunt, who took me in as her own. She helped me start hormones and everything. That's why I'm the young man before you today." He finished, smiling at who I assumed to be his aunt beside him.

I was blown away. Me and Em were lucky; we didn't have to go through the pain that he did. But as we went on, I heard stories like Tyler's, and stories closer to mine and Em's. Every story was welcome here. Now, it was Emily's turn.

"Hi...I'm Emily. When I was a little girl, I never had crushes on boys. I figured I was just very picky, until I moved to a new school at 12 years old. I met a girl named Leila Rose, who flipped my whole world upside down. I had a huge crush on her. The night before I planned on telling her, there was a story on the news. A girl had been beaten up severely for coming out to her friends. It terrified me, so I pushed Leila away, hoping in return, it would push the feelings away. It was fine until I met a girl named Michelle, who's currently sitting right next to me." Emily gave me a small smile.

"She gave me those feelings again. I tried pushing her away too, and tried to get a boyfriend. There was a boy at our dance studio who was head over heels for me, so I thought he would be perfect. The problem is, Michelle liked him too, and we fought over him, ending up as enemies. Until my sister, seated next to Michelle, figured out what I was feeling, and pushed Michelle and I closer together. Now I'm lucky to call her mine." I smiled, squeezing her hand.

"However, when we came out to our parents, it didn't go so well for me. They called it acting out, and treated it like a choice. A bad one, at that. So now, Riley and I are living at Michelle's house, since her parents accept us. And honestly, life's pretty good right now." Emily finished.

"So that's why you pushed me away." Said a frail voice a few chairs away. All heads turned to her, and Emily gasped.


MUAHAHA!😈 Did you like that cliffhanger? Did you expect it? I bet you didn't!

I know that I hinted at a possible Amiley chapter, but there will be one! Why do you think I put Amanda in the meeting? Just be patient! Amiley cuteness shall occur two chapters from now! What do you think Amanda's story will be? Or Leila's? And what will this do to Michemily? So many questions! And only I know the answers😏

Also, I'm sorry for not updating in a while! I was at Disney World, so I was very busy and tired! Now I'm at a condo in Miami though, so I have lots of free time😊

Next chapter teaser: Leila and Amanda share their stories, then Emily talks to Leila, while Michelle meets someone new

"Hold my fedora!" -West


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