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Michelle's POV:

I walked out of the studio, tears blurring my vision. I called the truce so that I could maybe get closer to Emily. But she only accepted the truce because Eldon asked her out. So now all chances of that opportunity are gone. As I got into my car, I started to think. I mean, what were the chances of her liking me anyway? For one, it's obvious she's gaga for Eldon! Two, the chances of her liking me would already be a maybe, but three, I'm a girl! Who says Emily even likes girls? With these three things combined, my chances are close to nothing. This just made me start sobbing altogether. I started to think about how all my crushes on girls would be like this. Not even knowing if they like girls! After a good 10 minutes, my vision was finally clear enough to pull out of the parking lot, and drive home. As soon as I arrived at the empty house, since both my parents were working late today, and Imogen
was at dance, then going over to Julia's, I threw on my pyjamas, got out a tub of bubblegum ice cream, flopped down on the couch, and looked for a good movie to watch. My favourites were ones such as The Fault In Our Stars and If I Stay, but those were all sad. I needed a feel good movie. I eventually decided on a classic, Mean Girls, and let myself sink into the world of Regina George. 3 hours later, I was on my third movie, Pitch Perfect, when the doorbell rang. I was gonna ignore it, but it rang again, and I didn't want this salesperson disrupting my movie, so I went to the door. But when I opened it, there stood Riley, with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. I gasped. "Hi Michelle, this is from all of A-Troupe saying we hope you feel better, I'm just delivering it on behalf of us...are you okay?" She asked. "Yea, um...just that cold." I lied, right through my ice-cream covered teeth. "Michelle?" Riley gave me that questioning look. "Riley, I'm-" "Fine? Yea right, Michelle. No offence, but I know what ice cream stained pyjamas and the three movie cases lying on the floor behind you mean. Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked. How did she know about Emily? But then I realized, she thought this was about Eldon. Now I didn't even have the option of talking to someone about this! Tears welled up in my eyes. "Aw, Michelle." Riley said, hugging me, and stepping inside, closing the door behind her. "I don't care if you want to be alone right now, I'm coming in for your own good." She said. Riley and I had always been friends, just not best friends. But I guess she was an all around caring person, so her concern was at "best friend level". Riley dragged me back to the couch, and sat down. I reluctantly sat down next to her, in front of the paused movie screen. Michelle, please talk to me." Riley said, concerned. "I-I can't." I said. "Of course you can, Michelle. I know losing Eldon is hard, but-" And that's when I broke down. Completely lost it. I just collapsed into Riley's arms and cried. "I...don'" I managed in between sobs. "What?" Riley asked. "Like...someone...else...but...people...
will...judge." I sobbed. "Michelle, I don't judge. But if you don't like Eldon, then who are you sad about? Eldon asked out Emily, but that's all that happened-" A look of realization hit Riley's face. "Michelle? Do you like girls?" Riley asked. I gave a tiny, meek, reluctant nod. I would just have to trust Riley. "Michelle?" Riley asked again. "Do you like my sister?" But did I trust her enough to answer that?

Okay, so I lied! I'm sorry! The teaser from last chapter, "Michelle and Eldon's Decisions", is inaccurate! This chapter is the first half of that teaser, where Riley comforts a heartbroken Michelle! Then, the next chapter is something else, and the chapter after that is where Michelle learns a secret!

Next chapter teaser: Eldon and Emily go out on their date, (during the time frame right where this chapter left off), but will the fake-ness of Emily's feelings finally get the best of her when it's just them alone?

Unicorns are real, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise!

~Sami (or סמי in hebrew😏)

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