Chapter 1

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"Oh fuck

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"Oh fuck." I throw my head back against the passenger seat as he thrusts up into me. A car is definitely not enough space to have sex. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and I am more than desperate. I put my hand on the window and his covers mine a second later. The crown princess having sex in a car. Scandalous.

Mother would laugh, my nanu would probably have a heart attack, dad would murder this guy, and my fiance? He would shrug and walk away. No fucks given. A grunt greets me as I ride my way to the gates of hell and fall apart a minute later. He chases his salvation next as he fucks me into the next century and finally, fucking finally comes. I get up from his shaft and fall beside him on the back seat of my car. Thank goodness for tinted windows. We sit there in silence for a while breathing heavily, before I pull my panties back in place, kiss his neck and walk out of the car. I have a board meeting to attend. And that was me getting rid of my nerves. One that come to bite me in the ass before every, said meeting.

I live in Udaipur. With my nanu, who is the king. I work with him to learn of my duties. My parents live in Delhi, where their business is. The ministers here, to say the least don't like me. They do not want me to rule and they've tried to pull me down time and time again. My name helps my case alot. I am a Rajvansh and a Raghuvanshi. And I'll be married in the Raichand family. The power I have is immaculate and as much as I should not boast about it, I know how important power is in this world. People turn against people, family against family just for that sweet taste of power. It's nothing new, and it's ugly but it's important. Famous saying, 'when you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die.'

And I want that throne. It's my birthright. I will win, by hook or by crook. Ambition is everything. That's something my grandfather told me. And when Advitya Rajvansh tells you something, you learn that by heart. I fix my hair and makeup and walk into the conference room. My grandfather is seated on the chair at the head of the table, the chair meant for the other head is empty, for me to occupy. Ministers have filled all the other chairs on the table. I walk to my grandfather, my dress flowing on the floor behind me, as I bend down to touch his feet. My mother made sure I don't hold a grudge against him for all he did to her and I don't. He hasn't done anything wrong to me. He has all but loved me and taken care of me. He pats my head and I smile at him. I walk to the other side of the table at my place and nod at all the Ministers, who very begrudgingly give me a little bow.

I bend forward to kiss the cheek of the man sitting on my right. He looks bored out of his mind, like he would rather be anywhere than here. Kabir Raichand, holds the power to make people fall at his feet. He would rather be in his office studying cases or in court fighting one. Making him sit in a boardroom, full of power thirsty snakes is the worst you can do to him. I kiss his cheek as a greeting. "My prince." He looks up at me with a blank face, takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. "Princess."

I settle down in my chair and look around. Everyone is looking at my grandfather, waiting for him to start this meeting, except for my fiance. He is just sitting there looking at the desk infront of him. He really doesn't care about anything or anyone in here. The second this meeting is over, he will be the first to run out of here. That I can guarantee. I place my hand on his knee under the table to get his attention. He looks up at me, surprised by my touch. Like he didn't just fuck my brains out in the car fifteen minutes ago. "Don't look so uninterested my prince. It isn't that boring."

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