Chapter 19

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Everyone is seated on their chairs

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Everyone is seated on their chairs. Both Aarohi and Nirmal cannot vote, so they're standing further away from the hall that has been decorated and arranged with a round table to hold the elections. The cameras are set, reporters are holding their breaths along with the people of Udaipur.

The election is being telecasted live and everyone is too stressed to look away from their television screens. The fate of the city was hanging on a thread. The final vote is dropped in the box by the king himself. All the Ministers and the prince have already voted. The votes are anonymous. It won't take long to count fourteen votes. A man from  outside of the cabinet has been given the task of counting. The sheer five minutes he takes to count and crosscheck so there is no doubt, are the most agonizing.

Aarohi has hoped the ministers take her bait and vote for her but one can never be sure. It doesn't matter if she wins or not. She has another plan in action. She has given the blackmail reports she had to the media. If she wins, she doesn't want corrupt officers in her cabinet and if she doesn't win, then oh well, Nirmal Singh will be in jail soon enough for her to become queen. She is going to win either way. She still hopes to win through the election though.

Nirmal Singh on the other hand looks too cocky. He is sure these ministers are going to vote for him since he has offered them things they so desperately desire. What he doesn't know, is that it is more important for them to save face than let their greed take over.

The man who is finally done counting gives the results to the king. The king opens the envelope with a blank expression, the one expected of him but that expression cracks a little when he sees the results. He stands up and addresses the people.

"I want to thank every single one of you for attending the elections and to all of those who are watching on TV. I've been king for around 40 years and I've served the city with all I could. It's time I pass on my legacy. After counting all the votes given by the ministers, the prince and I, with every vote having the same value, we have come to the answer on who would be the next ruler of Udaipur."

Everyone watched with baited breath as the people were not fond of Nirmal Singh. If he became king, they'll all be doomed.

"The city of Udaipur has finally gotten its first queen. Princess Aarohi Raichand is the new ruler of Udaipur!"

The king smiled at his granddaughter. He doesn't know how she did it, but she successfully made the ministers side with her. He is proud of her. The princess smiled back and turned towards her husband who was clapping along with everyone else. She mouthed a thank you to him. It wouldn't have been possible without him. He just shook his head and smiled.

Nirmal Singh looked like he couldn't breathe anymore. How could these morons betray him? He offered them so much. Do they think this princess will let them do anything that he would've?

The princess moved towards the podium, her light blue dress and gloved hands along with a diamond necklace made her look like the queen that she now is. The coronation would be a week later. Till then, she has to prepare her council, one that will guide her. Usually the new ruler cannot simply remove the older council members but her case is different. Or it will be, very soon.

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