Chapter 16

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Today is the day

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Today is the day. No one but my prince has seen me in the last two months. Seems like Nirmal Singh has forgotten that I am still alive. Sure, I wasn't there, but that doesn't mean I don't know him enough to know what he will do next. He is too predictable.

I have straighten my hair, and pulled a few strands away from the front. As a princess I was given a tiara. To denote royalty. I never wore it for it seemed too much. It's on my head today. People seem to have forgotten who I am, but it's time they remember again.

Another princess once wore a black revenge dress, that people still praise. I've taken inspiration from the best. My black gown touches the floor. The high neck of it, along with the shoulder capes give a sense of power. One that I will be using today. To put those fucking men in their places. I've had enough of their bullshit.

My heels click against the floor as I make my way out of the room and down the stairs. My prince waits for me in a jet black suit. His hair gelled back, his cheekbones high and his jaw strong. His gaze as sharp as a knife. Ready to slice through people's heads if they even breathe in the wrong direction.

We are the two people who have been wronged and scarred. Taken from but never given to. Two people who have reached their limits. No patience left in either of us anymore. It's the beginning of the war. And I'll raise the first sword. Just as I am now sure that the last would be mine too. This is my battle, and I'll be damned if I don't win it.

My prince holds my hand as we make our way towards my grandfather's office. Since the royal offices are still under construction, All the meetings have been shifted to his office. He has emptied it and put up the furniture appropriate to fit 20 people.

I still in front of the double doors. This is the first time I am going to see those people after losing my daughter. The one actually responsible for it is dead but I know that all of them have had a part in my daughter not being with me anymore. No matter how little. Their greed and desire to live off of my misery has led to my life being a mess for the last two years. But not anymore.

My husband squeezes my hand. His grip on it tightening. He knows exactly when my nerves spike up. He is the only one who has been there with me for the last two months. "You're every part of the queen you deserve to be. Whereas they," He points towards the door behind which are the ministers we both despise, "don't deserve to even be the dust under your shoe." I smile.

"Charming, my prince." He shrugs.

"Ready princess?" Well, I am as ready as I'll ever be. I nod and he pushes the door open. Everyone stands there. The only man happy to see me is my grandfather. His smile says that, it's a little tentative but a smile nonetheless. He is worried about me. And I understand that.

We walk into the room and settle down in our chairs. Every minister is looking at me like I am the ghost that haunts their dreams. Well, my mother used to call me demon when I was little, so I guess that'll do. They take in my attire, all of their eyes stopping at my tiara. That's right fuckers, it'll be a crown soon.

Nirmal Singh clears his throat. "The elections are in two months from now, and I want to officially nominate my name to be king." Ministers jump with happiness. Not literally but they would if they could. Their smiles are so big, it's ready to split their faces in half. Fucking lunatics. My name has been nominated ages ago so, I don't need to do this shit.

I see my husband sizing Nirmal Singh up and down and I do the same. An expression of mockery on both our faces. I guess he feels eyes on him so he turns to watch us both judge him, the conclusion comes of him being an imbecile. He shifts a little. His confidence wavering. He sits back down in his chair. I can practically feel the cloud of his confidence dissipating from around him.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, we need to discuss finances, your majesty." A minister speaks up, probably watching his leader slouch in misery. "After deciding to pay for everyone's medical bills in the fire 2 months ago, the royal treasure hasn't recovered to its original glory yet. We think we need to cut costs. Increasing the prices of the basic supplies that we provide and holding off the education cost would really hel-"

"Or, since all you ministers are really worried about the royal treasure, maybe you should put in extra from your pockets. Since your bank accounts haven't seen the downfall in any way." My voice cuts sharp, if they try to object I'll cut their tongues too.  No way in hell are the people going to pay for this.

"We already pay our amounts for the education scheme, maybe the princess has forgotten in the last two months." Another minister bites out.

"I don't forget sir. I don't forget anything. But since one among you wants to suggest cutting those education charges off, you won't be paying anything. And even after paying that, your bank accounts have a more significant amount than those of the common people. So maybe you should do nice by them for once. What do you think minister Singh? If you're king, then you would have to help people, right?"

Nirmal catches himself before smoke comes out of his nose. He turns to the king and nods. "Yes, your majesty. Helping the people is the main duty of the ruler. I think all of us ministers should pay for the losses the royal treasure has faced."

Manipulation works best. Something I learned from my husband, who is currently looking at me like I hung the stars in the sky. My grandfather looks equally proud. I make a show of being excited and clap my hands. "Fantastic. You're so kind minister Singh." Kind my foot. He is a snake that bites the hand that feeds it.

The meeting carries on for another hour, with me draining these fuckers pockets even more. When everyone starts to leave, I stop Nirmal Singh. I have more scores to settle with him. My daughter died for his ministrations. He will pay with what he loves the most. Money and power.

I tower over him, with my heels in place. I want to step on his fucking foot and pierce a hole in his shoe but I refrain from it. It's not very princess like. "Thank you for all the charity you did today minister Singh. The people would be happy." This was the last straw. His expression darkens. Exactly what I wanted.

"Enjoy it while you can princess. It won't last." I smile again. A sickly sweet smile.

"I'll enjoy every part of your misery. And your right. It won't last. You'll be out of this council in two months and not because you're king but because I'll throw you out of it. Aapko lagta hai aap jeet sakte hai? Jeet ke dikhao."

(You think you can win? I would like to see you try.)

With that I am off. It's a wonderful day, I don't want to dampen my mood arguing with useless buffoons. I have better things to do in life.


She is in badass mood now.

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