Chapter 13

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The air was so chilly it could freeze people's hearts, if they weren't already

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The air was so chilly it could freeze people's hearts, if they weren't already. It was warm and nice yesterday. The family was enjoying the sun. And now here they are, in the middle of last rites of youngest member of the family.

The logs were hogged up together into a small pyre. It's right what they say, the smallest coffins are the hardest to carry. Aarohi waited till morning for her prince to come to her. To tell her he had a reason for letting go of the man who is responsible for this all. To comfort her. To be there with her in a time where they both lost their child.

But he didn't return. He didn't come to her. No one has seen him and now everyone is suspicious, since Samar told them what happened.

Kabir is so unpredictable that no one could be sure of that man. Not even his own mother. Samar doesn't trust him anymore. He never imagined the man he looked up to would be so heartless. It was his daughter who died. His own blood. And that man is nowhere to be found.

The tyres scraped against the gravel. Everyone stepped out of their cars. Samar held Aarohi's shoulder. It should've been her husband but since he doesn't care about his responsibilities anymore, he can go to whatever hell he wants. Samar is not going to let his sister suffer alone. The fire that happened the day before was old news now. Since no one was badly hurt. And the news of Aarohi's accident spread. The whole kingdom was mourning the lost of her child. The people loved their princess and seeing her in pain was hurting them as well.

Samar left Aarohi's side and Advitya wrapped a hand around his granddaughter's shoulder. She was buried in his side when her child was laid down on the pyre. How could a mother watch this happen to it's own child?

Ruhanika's tears clouded her eyes. She had a miscarriage once. She lost a child too but stillbirth? Atleast she didn't have burn her child's body. She couldn't imagine what her granddaughter was going through.

The priest came shortly after and asked if they could start. Abhimanyu looked at his daughter and then gave the priest a go. His daughter can't watch much of this. The sooner it's done, the better.

The pyre was set and the baby was laid on it. The body was covered with a white cloth from head to toe. Not an inch visible.

The priest asked for the child's father to perform the last rites and that made everyone stop. Nobody knew where Kabir was. He wasn't picking up his phone or responding to the messages. Even the people that were sent out to find him in the possible places came back empty handed.

It was wrong to do this without him, since he is the father but he wasn't exactly anyone's favorite at the moment. Nor has he shown interest in being a part of this.

But now what?

Before anyone could say anything, the screeching of tyres stopped them all. Kabir stepped out of his car, again his face blank. Everyone was burning holes in his head with their sharp gazes but He didn't glance at anyone as he walked straight to his daughter's pyre. He rubbed his hand over the head. He couldn't even see her.

A tear fell down from his eye. The first crack in the facade he wore. And then another tear rolled down his cheek. He closed his eyes and let the silent tears fall. He didn't care today. People can see him cry.

Everyone else stood there looking pretty surprised. They've never seen him cry. Or show any emotion for that matter.

Kabir silently cried by his daughter's pyre for a few minutes before he performed the last rites. When he finally set flames to her pyre, it felt like he was burning in it himself.

Aarohi saw the burning pyre and her skin itched. Her daughter was in there. She is burning. It must be hurting her daughter. She is so tiny afterall. She was about to walk to it, she tried to but Advitya held her tight. Abhimanyu was by her side the very next minute.

Everyone was consoling the poor girl who lost her child. No one but she knows the pain. Whereas, Kabir stared right into the flames. The malice in his eyes was only noticed by Samar who has kept a close eye on him the whole time.

Everyone sat back into their cars and left for the palace, leaving Kabir behind. Who stood there and watched the flames burn his daughter's body. Every emotion dissipated from his body. He left after a while.

Kabir was driving to the palace with nothing on his mind. He always seemed calm because inside his mind was chaos. But not today. It was quiet. Too quiet.

He entered the palace, the voice of television reached his ears. He walked ahead to go upstairs but the only way there is through the giant hall. All the eyes in the room snap to him. Some held shock, some a  knowing look, some a realization and some admiration.

Samar looked at Kabir with the latter. He always admired the guy. He doubted him for sometime, But now? Oh damn. Aarohi had a knowing look. She didn't know how to react. She was hurt but a sick part of her was satisfied too.

Kabir turned to the television, the news Channel was on, which was showing a burning house.

An unfortunate accident has occurred in the house of Mahendra Shrivastava, resulting in his untimely death. Luckily no one else was in the house. There was a gas leak and when Mahendra Shrivastava lit a cigarette, the house blew up. By the time the fire brigade was informed, the damage was already done. We will keep everyone updated.

The reporter turned away and Kabir's attention snapped back to the people in the room.

Abhimanyu looked at Kabir with a newfound respect. He knew Kabir was a good choice for Aarohi but today, he out did himself. Even though this isn't something to be proud of, Abhimanyu is proud. He himself killed a man for his wife but what Kabir did today made him a thousand times more complex and lethal. The man hasn't agreed to committing murder and from the look on his face he never will but that doesn't change the truth. The people who act calm all the time, are the most dangerous.

Samar now knew why Kabir deleted the evidence. If they had it, the murder could be traced back to them, since they had motive. Kabir is a calculated and farsighted man. Samar admired that.

Kabir met eyeones eyes before he went upstairs. He opened the door to the nursery he made and his heart clenched. He expected to play with his child in here. Not to come back to a room that is ready to eat him raw. This shouldn't have happened.

He bent on his knees and picked up a soft toy. His daughter would've probably liked it. She didn't even get a chance to see it. Sobs broke out of chest. He tried to keep them in but he couldn't anymore. He cried into the soft toy until a hand rested on his shoulder. Aarohi looked at her husband and her heart broke even more.

She has been selfish. She had the whole family to console her, but everyone left him alone. Sure they didn't know what he was upto, but he was the father who lost his child. Ofcourse he is upset. Kabir looked up at Aarohi and hugged her waist. He cried in her stomach. His cries loud enough to reach the ears of the people downstairs in the hall. This is the voice of a broken father.

Abhimanyu felt horrible. He couldn't imagine himself in Kabir's shoes. How much the guy would be hurting. Aarohi silently cried running her fingers through his hair. This wasn't a life she wanted afterall.

"What did you do, my prince?"


Gotta go cry some more 🏃‍♀️😢 I hate  myself for doing this now. It's so sad.

Anyone else crying? 🤧

Tell me everything you thought of the chapter.

See you in the next one.

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