Bonus Chapter

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"I think the people would appreciate you reaching out to them

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"I think the people would appreciate you reaching out to them. They've been very kind about your rule through the last 10 years and your personal approach to them would put them at ease, in a situation like this." I nod along the lines that Agastya said. He is right. Of course he is.

Our city is going through a tough time. The season has not been kind. The lack of rain this year has led to failed crops. Prices have gone up and people are suffering. As a monarch, it is my duty to help them. But there is only so much I can do.

I've exempted them from paying taxes this time, even providing sufficient loans at minimal interest from the royal treasure. But even that doesn't have an unlimited supply of cash. It's going to run out pretty soon. My meeting with the parliament of the country has been a success and they've very generously offered to provide with the necessary items.

But that's not all that people require. Morale is down. Death rate is high. People are dying of starvation and malnutrition. Even though the goods have been promised, they haven't yet arrived. People are desperate and until the king returns from Delhi with a solid date for the arrival of the necessary things, meeting the people and giving them assurance is the least I can do.

"If I may, your majesty." I turn to Amrita, she sounds skeptical but in the last decade that I've known her, she is mostly right in whatever she says. I nod at her to continue. "Alot of children have dropped out of school to provide as some sort of labour in any industry that can provide money. Their education will take a hit. Children are our future. If they don't have the right education, it will all be a waste. And I know this might sound absurd, but the trust you formed that provided for the English education of these children, that still has sufficient funds. We can use them till we get some aid."

That definitely does sound absurd. "We can't do that, minister ma'am. What of those children's futures? Their dreams and aspirations to provide for their higher education?"

"They need to be alive for it, my queen." Uncle Caden points out at me. "I understand you worrying about their future, but they need to survive their present to reach there. People are dying because they don't have enough food. That's our priority. For the moment, we can send them back to schools but we need to hold the higher education funds. This is important your majesty. They can dream again. But their current dreams won't matter if they're dead."

He is right. They are all right. Education is important, but being alive is a priority. I release the statement to use the funds. This will buy us a few weeks.

I leave the royal offices and drive back to the palace. Not much has changed in here. All of it still looks the very same. I enter the main hall to find my daughter sitting in one corner with a frown and my sons on the other, looking absolutely nonchalant. "What is happening here?" All of them perk up.

My sons stand up and bow. I am tired of telling them not to do it. "When will you two listen? You don't have to do that. I am your mother."

"But a queen too."

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