Chapter 2

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The ringing of my phone woke me up from my sleep

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The ringing of my phone woke me up from my sleep. I quickly cut the call without checking the caller ID so I don't wake Kabir up. I turn to my left to see him still asleep. Oh thank God. He slept late last night, he was working on a case. The sweats hang low on his hips and his back is bare for me to salivate over. My grandfather asked him to live in the palace itself after he shifted to Udaipur, so why not in my room? World is progressive now. No one said anything. My phone rings again, I pick it up and put it to my ear as I get out of bed and walk to the balcony in my room.


"Good morning Princess." The fuck does he want?

"Why are you calling me at six in the morning Samar? What do you want?"

"What makes you think that I want something? Can I not just miss you?" This idiot called me to talk shit first thing in the morning? Why did my parents even have him? Was I not enough? "The fact that you called me makes me think that you want something and you've never missed me before so What do you suddenly want?" He sighs. He lives abroad and works on the new security company he launched himself as a branch of our father's company. He is five years younger than me but he is intelligent as hell. Annoying piece of shit nonetheless.

"I just called to wish you a happy birthday sister. I know I am the younger brother and I always ask for shit from you but it isn't the case today. Just.... Happy birthday di." Okay. Now I feel bad. He remembered my birthday when I myself didn't. "Thank you Samar. And I am sorry, it's just been stressful these last coupledays brother." I love my brother but we don't show it out loud. He is my sibling, that's the rule. You care for each other but you don't show it. You simply annoy each other. That's the love language.

"When is it not? Those annoying ass ministers still giving you trouble?" I hum and after talking for a few minutes I cut the call and go back inside the room. I sit on the bed and run my fingers lightly over his hair. He stirs awake. Shit. "I am sorry, go back to sleep." He literally shushes me. Weird. He looks up at me and wishes me in his hot morning voice, "Happy birthday Princess." He remembered as well. Am I the only one that forgot about it? He climbs close to me and sets his head on my lap while nuzzling his face in my stomach. Cute.

"Is work tiring you out too much these days, my prince?" He shakes his head.

"I love what I do."

"I love what I am supposed to do, only if people let me do it." I sigh. They always find new things to be angry at. "Today they'll be pissed because I refused to have a huge gala organized on my birthday two months ago."

They hate me, they'll do anything to prove it. "They'll be pissed no matter what you do Princess, fuck them. It's not their birthday." I smile and run my fingers through his hair. He is a lovely man. Minus the no reaction nature. Everything else is great. He places his hand on my thigh and casually drags it up towards my hip. "No!" He stops and turns his head away from my stomach to look up at me with a raised eyebrow. "You don't want birthday sex?" I roll my eyes. Ofcourse I want it.

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