Perfectly Hot - 21

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"Anyway, kenapa lo jadi gini ke gue?"

"Gini gimana?"

"Touch my cheeks, kiss me, lay in my bed. What exactly do you planned?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to apologize."

"I don't think it's on the term of apologizing anymore."

"Alsey is not really at hospital."

"Lo selalu ngalihin pembicaraan!"


Dia berteriak di depan wajah gue. Gue lihat wajah frustasinya. Gue tahu dia merasa bersalah tentang apa yang sudah ia lakukan ke gue. Tapi gue gak mau dia kayak gini ke gue cuma gara-gara kasian. I want it to be a real feeling.

"Lo ngelakuin semua ini karena kasian sama gue? Apa cuma karena lo ngerasa bersalah karena udah nampar gue?"


Dia bahkan gak berusaha menutupi niatnya. Fuck!

"I think you should go home."


"No, just go. I don't think we're meant to do this."

"You're so overreacting. We're not even doing anything."

"For now. Well, I don't know what we're going to do afterwards if you still on my bed."

"We're just lay down. I know you're alone."

"I never feel alone. I have my own company. I don't need anyone to pity me."

"Gue gak kasian sama lo. Gue cuma pengen nemenin lo. Itu aja."

"Tapi lo harus tau kalo yang lo lakuin itu sama sekali bukan tipe lo yang gue kenal."

"Emang lo kenal gue?"

Well, dia benar. Gue sama sekali gak kenal dia. Tapi bisa-bisanya gue udah bayangin ke outer space bareng dia. Fuck Elena.

"Sifat lo sama sekali gak sama kayak sebelumnya."

"Kayaknya kita harus lebih saling mengenal. Gue tau first impression gue ke lo jelek banget. Gue bahkan ngerendahin lo. It's blame is mine."

Gue terdiam. Kenapa gue jadi kasian?!

"Do you have a feeling to me? Like even slightly."

"I lied if I say I don't. When Alsey brought you to our house for the first time, I thought you were so interesting."

"Interesting to play with?"

"No, that's not what I meant"

"I don't believe you."

"You have your right to do that."

"Can you please just leave me alone?"

"Not for today. I wanted us to know each other better."

"I don't think it's a good idea since you're the one rejected me."

"I don't reject you!"

"Yes, you do."

"I do not reject you. I just give you a trial."

"Trial?" Gue tertawa keras. "What the fuck?!"

"Cewek mau deket sama gue cuma pas lagi sange."


"Gue cuma pengen lihat aja lo serius suka sama gue apa cuma sange deket gue."

Perfectly HotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang