Ch. 8

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A/N: this episode 3 from Life is Strange The Game gave me inspiration. Hope you like it. By the way there is a slight Shadonia (Only Sonia is a man and Shadow is a woman. It is a gender bend story after all.) in here. Enjoy.

A week later

The night was beautiful and radiant although Knucklina wasn't gonna like it. She did promise this week once she gets done her and Sonica will be having a fun day. More like a fun night." Though Sonica hasn't come back to their apartment room and it was already 10:09 PM and it is passed curfew. With no time to loose Knucklina went outside as she grabbed her flashlight. Knucklina walked outside and said to herself, "Geez why did Sonica picked this time to be out to have fun?? I hope she isn't gonna cause trouble." The crickets were chirping and the owl was hooting while the street lights shined bright on the outside area of college campus. She looked around. Knucklina asked herself as her phone in her pocket was buzzing, "Where are you Princess? I'm only lucky the Dean didn't see me." She looked to see a text that said:

Sonica: Hey meet me at campus Knucklehead. I wanna cause trouble.

Knucklina: I'm not surprised Princess. Where the heck are you?

Sonica: Isn't it Obvious? I'm at the front area of the campus.

Once Knucklina put her phone back in her pocket, she walked to the front area of the campus. She sighed deeply and said, "Why am I dragged into this? Well it's at least it's better than having Rogue as a roommate." Once when arrived at the right side of the area, she stopped as a familiar voice shouted playfully as she got spooked, "BOO-YEAH!" She turn to see Sonica 'who was laughing'. She said to Knucklina, "Gotcha Knucklehead." The female red echidna said offensively, "Hey Princess don't you dare scare me like that!" Sonica stopped laughing and said playfully said, "Heheeh. Relax I'm just playing." Knucklina growled and said, "Yeah so whatcha want?" Sonica smiled and said, "I wanna explore the school at night." Knucklina sighed and said, "Ugh fine. But how are we gonna get inside??" Thats when they heard footsteps as Knucklina said, "Oh nuts. Someone is coming." Sonica simply said, "Hide!" The two fled to a nearby bush and hid behind it as they took a peek at who it was they saw. It was Sonica's big brother Sonio and with him was Shadowette. Sonio made sure there was no one here before he said, "I think we should head inside and get your backpack Shadowette. Do you have the keys?" Shadowette showed them to him and said, "In a heartbeat. The janitor gave me these to hold on too but I forgot to give them back. Look it's sweet of you to sneak into the school to help me get my stuff but are you sure you wanna do this baby?" Sonio replied as he gazed into her ruby red eyes, "Of course I do. Anything I will do. I do it for you. As long as no one knows our secret relationship, we'll be fine." Knucklina and Sonica looked at each other as Sonio then said, "Besides after I helped my little sister moved to her dorm I had to come and see you. Besides the fact that you know as well as I do that I love you Shadowette." Shadowette replied to him as she use the keys to open the door, "I love you too as well as you love me Sonio." The two entered as Sonica and Knucklina looked at each other. Sonica suggested, "Let's follow them." Knucklina shook her head and immediately said, "What?! No!" Sonica then cleared her throat before she teased, "Knucklina. You want me to go all alone? Well then, You are chicken." Knucklina shouted as Sonica went in, "Am not." Sonica laughed as Knucklina chased after her, "Are too." Thats when Knucklina pinned her to the floor as Sonica laughed. Knucklina then said, "Never provoke me again, princess." Sonica scoffed playfully and said, "Whatever you say 'Knucklehead'." She giggled. Thats when they see Shadowette and Sonio walked to the empty hallway with Sonio's phone with the flashlight on. Knucklina and Sonica followed them without making a sound. Shadowette held onto his arm and said, "I'm not sure Sonio, what if your sisters find out." Sonio held her close and replied, "Don't worry baby, my family will never find out, not even my little sister." Shadowette said with a scoff, "Faker-ette? Yeah I agree. Maybe your right I worry too much." Sonio then had a thought as he placed a hand on her face, "So Shadowette, since we are here getting your backpack, How about we go all the way'?" Shadowette let out a light gasp with a blush. Sonica and Knucklina gasped quietly. Shadowette arrived at her locker and got her backpack. She said, "Okay, but where should we do it?" Sonio pointed to the Girls locker room before the two of them unlocked the door and went in. Sonica whispered, "Oh shit. My big brother is in a relationship with Shadowette?" Knucklina whispered back, "Ugh, I cannot believe it!" Knucklina then looked at Sonica before she ran off into the darkness. Knucklina whispered in a shouting way, "Sonica." The red echidna ran after her as she said to herself, "Ugh. I wish I brought a flashlight. I don't even where she is going." Knucklina searched high and low even though she bumped into a few walls or lockers. Knucklina shouted, "SONICA!!" By the time she found her, Sonica was hugging her knees while in shock. Lucky for Knucklina, She was leaning against the wall near an open window 'where the moonlight shined'. Knucklina sat next to her and said, "Its a lot to take in I know." Sonica sniffed and said, "Well this fun day is ruined now." Knucklina sighed deeply and said as she stood up, "Come on, lets get back to our dorm. Maybe I can find another fun day for us to do another time." Sonica looked to see Knucklina hold out her hand. She hesitated before she grabbed it and got up. Both girls exited the school and went back to their dorm without getting caught. Once they reach their dorm, Sonica groaned and said, "This is just bad, How can I explain this to Mom and Dad and my sister?" Knucklina replied as Sonica plopped onto the bed, "Give it time Sonica. Give it time." Though the night was not well planned out, the two planned another fun day once Knucklina passes another exam.

Sonknux lesbian version: You and Me 'My Princess'Where stories live. Discover now