Ch.14 Pink Landia

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Disclaimer: Percy Jackson and the
Olympians and Heroes of Olympus belong to the one and only Rick Riordan. All OCS however belong to me.

Special thanks toTheUnexpectedBanana’ for being the first comment. And although A won thanks to 'TheSwadastical'* for being the first voter.

Nathaniel POV

That was detestable how could they have done that to me! Of all people seriously. Stop, focus Nathaniel! Right think of Nyx. I have to find her. I don't care what the others nor Father say.

I know its ridiculous to want to be this badly with someone I don't remember ever meeting, but I just can't seem to help myself. I just need to find her. I love her.....I think. 

What am I doing?! I'm going after a woman for the life of me I can't seem to recall. But, then she is meant to be the love of my existence is she not?

I just don't know what to doI haven't been in a real relationship since Annab***h. All others were just girls being arm candy in undercover missions or the girls were simply an in a front to blend in. Then again what I had with little Annie wasn't real.

The truth is I don't know how to be in a relationship. What if I mess it up or worse make her hate me? Thing is I can't be in a relationship now either.

Although I'd like to say what happened between me and that girl is long forgotten it's not. Not really anyway she hurt me. I had fricken loved her and it hurt me when she in turn never returned my love for her.

My gods damned fatal flaw was loyalty. And her betrayal killed me. I don't know if I can really trust my heart to truly, fully and undeniably love another.

My fancy for Artemis was just that a fancy. Sure I love her but like with Moonlace I realize I love her like a sister not a lover. It would not be fair to Nyx if I can't love her when I find her. So I must find myself before I do find her. That is if I can.

First thing is first though.................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Where in the Hades am I?!

I mean sure I wasn't paying attention before but seriously?! How in the galaxies did I end up on a Pink planet?! There are like 2 moons and 3 suns here and the suns are pink to.

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