Ch.2 'Dead' Friends Appear

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Characters created and and owned by Rick Riordan plot is my own.



Flashback part 3

Alpha/ Percy POV

I looked around in awe. It was amazing it seemed endless. He vaguely acknowledged Skylar and Omega staring in awe next to him. They didn't have much time sight see as Chaos their father led the way to the...there's no other way to describe it than a castle. It was made of something that looked similar to marble except more sturdier. It had small white gems it shimered and shone like stars in the sky against the black marble of the fortress.

As they walked along they passed hodded figures as they walked along. You could only see their eyes from under the hoods as they looked at them curiously. At the entrance father had given them hodded cloacks to wear.

They greeted Chaos by either bowing, waving, nodding or saying,"Lord" as they walked down a dark corridor. There were statues lining

the walls made of the black shimmering marble. After a very long walk they reached a room where you could hear quiet muffled voices.

Turning back to us Chaos our father grinned and said quietly," Behold behind these doors is a sight that will baffle Alpha and you Skylar. Just know not all good things must end if I'm involved and seek you worthy." With those cryptic words father swings open the doors and swept in. Leaving us with no other choice than to follow. What quickly followed astounded Skylar and I and confused Omega who felt left out as Skylar and I locked eyes from under our hoods in shock.

There inside was none other than Charles Beckendorf son of Hespheastus god of the forges. Selina Beauregard daughter of Aphrodite goddess of love. Zoe Nightshade daughter of Atlas the titan who held up the sky. Bianca DiAngelo daughter of Hades lord of the underworld. Castor son of Dionysus god of wine. And lastly Luke Castellan son of Hermes messenger of the gods.

They all looked very confused as how they were there. They were about to throw questions at father when they notices us. They froze eyeing us warily. I made a split choice and mind linked with father and my siblings and said 'We shouldn't reveal our identities got that Sky by the way I mean you Thals' Sky glared at me offended I smirked under my good and though I couldn't see I could tell Omega was too.

My smirk turned into a pout when Omega thought back 'Oh really if anyone of you two give it away it will be you Alpha' I was about to defend myself when Skylar cut in 'Ah, Omega y'know that Alpha has been less impulsive recently. Hasn't done something to show he's a total idiot in a long time'.

I wasn't sure to be thankful or offended. But, she was right there after our 'true loves' betrayal I thought things out more. I was cut away from those oh so cheerful thoughts by father who projected back  'Stop bickering like the children you clearly are'. We gaped at him then pouted when he called us children.

He then spoke to the room at large," Hello I am Chaos creator of the universe ruler of theVoid" gasps came from my old friends as they hastily bowed I smirked and said," You shouldn't bow Lord Chaos has high respect for everyone here." 

They gawked at me and Zoe being her Artemis old lieutenant man hating self scoffed said," Who are you to tell us this boy?" I sighed realizing I'd have to earn her respect again as father chuckles and says," He is completely correct and so knows this as he is my son. He is Alpha Void Prince and heir to the Void. Primordial god of creation, time, forgotten heroes, and the betrayed. Second most powerful being in the universe. Now excuse me Alpha and I must be going stay here and and refresh yourselves."

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