Prologue: Reasons and Betrayal

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Characters are owned and created by Rick Riordan this plot is mine.


Percy/ Alpha POV

It has been 259 years since Omega and I have stepped on earth. But now father says we must go back to the place we were betrayed. Camp Half-Blood. The reason is that the titan Kronos and primordial Gaea have teamed up. Together they seek to destroy Olympus and their gods and goddesses.

Personally Omega and I would prefer to let them fight their own battles for once. But, father says if they succeed earth will ultimately be destroyed. Now both Omega and I rather that not happen. After all earth was our first home.

Nevertheless on earth when we were mortal we got betrayed by the ones we loved. For me I got betrayed by Ms. Know-it-all also known as Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategies . I remember the day she cheated on me like yesterday. It also coincidentally was the day Jason now Omega got betrayed by his 'loving' girlfriend Piper McClean (sorry forgot how you spell anyways close enough).

To add salt to the wound our 'fathers' disowned us and gave us death sentences. Our love for the gods went sour that day. Well except for Hades, Hermes, Hestia, and surprisingly Artemis were against our death sentence.


Jason had helped me on a quest to retrieve Apollos lyre. It had been hard strenuous work. But eventually we found it getting used as a tooth pick by a leistroligian. We got back 4 days ahead of schedule.

We had planned on surprising our girlfriends Annabeth and Piper by spending a day with them. We snuck into camp using the blessing Hades gave us to blend into the shadows. Together we searched for our loves.

It was eerie how no one notices us. It was strange like watching camp from an outsiders point of view. I suddenly got a chill as if I didn't truly belong here. Jason must have felt it too because he nudged me and said," Let's look for them at the beach."

The beach I thought and suddenly I knew for sure they were there. It just felt right. So I nodded and we headed toward the beach. Taking one last look at the suddenly foreign and unwelcoming campers.

We found them alright. In the arms of two identical boys. They had blonde hair and light blue eyes. They had identical mischievous smiles. Smiles that made you want to watch your back and check your wallet.

Sons of Hermes I thought bitterly. They were fairly good looking guys. Now usually I'm fine with Hermes kids but these two had my blood boiling. It was obvious why they had their arms wrapped around our girls.

If that weren't enough they were making out. I felt my heart shatter at the sight before me. All I could think was Why? Why did she do this to me? Why did they do this to US?

I didn't have to look at Jason to know his thoughts were in line with mine. Then They spoke sounding breathless Heartbreaker #1 said," Oh, Michael your such a better kisser than what's his face. Plus your way smarter and better than that Seaweed Brain."

Then Heartbreaker #2 said," I agree Cory your a way better at kissing than Flyboy. He's such an air head and not as good looking as you."

Then they giggled unattractively as the guys Michael and Cory kissed them hungrily, then the guy that must be Michael said," Annabeth I'm so glad your dumping that Kelp Head for me."

What?! I thought angrily. The sea responding to my anger and anguish crashed on the surf. Creating tall violent waves that went unnoticed by them. It took all my self control not to crash the waves down on them right then.

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