Ch.10 The Oracle Speaks

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PJO and all PJO characters belong to my mentor Rick Riordan plot and any future OCs belong to me.


Skylar POV

This was not how I would have liked spending my weekday. Surrounded by screaming gods and demigods was not my definition of fun. Ok maybe it is but only if I find the cause amusing and mildly entertaining.

At times like this I miss being a Pine tree. At least then I wouldn't have to suffer through the annoyingly loud screams. I swear if I went deaf by this there would be hell to pay. Alpha and Omega were currently watching the scene before them with mild amusement. Really I thought it's not that entertaining more like annoyingly aggravating.

Okay these prissy little mortals and gods better shut up before I lose my temper. Oh Chaos, no please no I'm turning into Clarisse why!? Then Alpha frowned 'What not enough Chaos for you?' He glances at me and shakes his head. He looks pointedly at a red headed oracle. And replies 'No it's amusing enough though I think Red is going to give a prophecy.'

Yeah he was right about that she got really pale right now. Yup there's the green mist. Then I hear a sadly familiar crackly, dry and hoarse voice speak. Oh Stix, I'd hoped to never hear that voice again.

        The Forgotten Ones returned,

    Together they were scorned,

            With them lies hope,

  If only the Dark One would elope,

  In She lies the end of the fast coming war,

   If She only gains her true lover,  

He who mastered Time,     

       He is powerful an unstoppable force,

In his love lies the answer if only he'd show her his love of course,

  Together a forbidden duo, 

For he brings Creation, 

   While She brings Destruction,

  Though when together bring life,

    Together they bring hope,

Alone they bring death and will be torn apart,

The Dark One awakens from her centuries old slumber,

United they must be for apart they will fade into oblivion,

She walks alone in the coldness like snow,

Looking over her shoulder as she does so,

Searching for her Love she came across once,

Son of the Ruler find Her he must,

She who is found in the land of the old dynasty,

Land of Roman he must find her in,

Or they will all suffer their separation.

Omniscient POV

Everyone once again froze silence reigned the pavilion. That is until a high pitched squeal came from the love goddess. Everyone except for her children who were also squealing in excitement (even the males) covered their ears.

Well one didn't react at all. For he was still in shock. After having caught the Oracle the child of Chaos had frozen. The words of prophecy sinking in.

Alpha was confused so very, very confused. The prophecy was obviously about him and someone he apparently met once. Though  apparently a very long time ago, what with the centuries old slumber. So he was destined to this girl who apparently was his one and only. But...didn't he love Artemis? He was so very confused.

Skylar meanwhile was thinking. She knew the prophecy was about her brother and apparently his female counterpart. He created things while she destroyed things. Their love was forbidden though. But when they were together their love would help end the war.

Omega didn't know what to think. So his brother was to enter a forbidden romance. The girl was centuries old though and had just woken up looking for his brother. And while if they got together their love would bring peace, their separation would tear them all apart. At times like this he was glad he wasn't his brother.

Moonlace felt very sad for her brother. The weight of the knowledge that his love for one girl, could decide the future of all their lives and the wars end must be difficult to handle. At the same time she was happy her brother was to meet the girl he was destined for. Though the girl and he would have to go through alot to be together.

Artemis was glad for the prophecy. While she may have a soft spot for Alpha his crush on her was... unsettling. Sure she liked him just not that way. Though she did find it amusing his reactions to her. She did admit to purposely getting a little closer than necessary to see him get flustered. She loved him, but as a brother. She knew his crush would get in the way of their friendship.

~ Alright a short chapter it may it be it has a purpose. You see I want you to know about the prophecy before I divulge on how Alpha knows 'The Dark One' . So I'll try to full you in on all the details next chapter. Oh, and sorry to all Pertemis lovers. The way I'm leading the story now would be rather...unsatisfactory to Pertemis ships. So may we part until we meet again old and new friends.

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