Ch.1 A "Pretty Princess"

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Characters are created and owned by Rick Riordan the plot is my own.


 Percy POV

Chaos had arrived. Shocked Jason and I didn't bow like Artemis, Thalia, and the Hunters did. There was something about him that seemed familiar. I could tell Jason thought so too.

Chaos beamed at us before turning to the Hunters. "Arise there is no need to bow. Look at my sons they do not bow why they know those I hold in great respect don't need to bow."

Right I thought definitely knew that. I glanced at Jason he was thinking the same. Then what he said sink in and I said," Lord Chaos you said 'sons' do you mean Jason and I? Not to be rude or disrespectful but my father is or was Poseidon and Jason here father was Jupiter."

Chaos sighed sadness emanating from him as he said," I thought they would raise you better than they did. The truth is Percy you are really my son Alpha and you Jason my son Omega. I sent you to earth to learn the human compassion. I used the Mist on Poseidon and Zeus to make them believe you we're their sons. Your mothers knew this and played along."

I was shocked my dad was Chaos not Poseidon? I felt confused but something told me he spoke the truth. I just knew he wasn't lying. I,looked over at Jason. Huh I thought he's my brother. I thought about it that explains alot.

Chaos or father started talking again," Alpha you are my heir to the throne you and Omega are both the Prince to the Void. You also are the second most powerful being in the universe. Omega is the third most powerful I am the first most powerful."

Woah I thought second most powerful. I smirked at Jason who pouted. Ha I thought I'm stronger than you. I looked over at Thalia does that mean she's my sister or something?

As if answering my thoughts Chaos said," Thalia you are really my daughter Skylar. You and Jason share the title as third most powerful. Daughter you are the Princess of the Void. You would be the heir but Alpha is older than you."

Noo! I thought my half sister is Pinecone Face. Tha- no Skylar glared at me obviously peeved. I smiled at her sheepishly. Hopefully she wasn't mad I stole her title.

Jason finally spoke and said," How come Per- I mean Alpha is the second most powerful. Also does that mean Tha- ah this is confusing! I mean does that mean Skylar is both mine and Alphas sister?"

Wow I thought he sure is slow. I laughed to myself usually I was the slow one. But then again things are changing aren't they? Chaos is my father and Ja- no Omega is my brother and Tha- Skylar my sister. I'm going to have to get used to that.

Father smiled at Omega and said," Yes, my son it does mean your half brother is Alpha and it does mean that Skylar is also his sister." Omega nodded looking cleared up.

Then Artemis asked father," Excuse me Lord Chaos but how do you plan on helping? How do we help these two by not having to turn them in?"

Father grinned," By faking their deaths of course. So Alpha and Omega I'm sorry but you have to leave your weapon of choice to make it work. I'll have you Hunters say they went violent and attacked and you had no choice but to put them down."

I thought about it. Let go of Riptide after all my adventures. I took a deep breath and pulled it out. I looked at it in its pen form then handed it to father. I saw Omega do the same with his gold imperial coin.

Father nodded and said," Now that we have that done I'll unlock your powers. I had to block most of your abilities. Now you two hold still it will only hurt if you resist"

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