Ch.8 'You're alive?!'

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Characters created and owned by Rick Riordan plot is my own.


Percy/Alpha POV

Ugh this blows Chaos father informed us we must reveal our identities at dinner tonight. Sigh, why is everything so complicated. It has officially been 4 days after our return.

To make matters worse father has given me the privilege to inform the others. On a happy note Artemis will be here after all it will the grand revealing of our true identity. Which means she'll see Zoë or Eve now her ex lieutenant and best friend. Atleast they'll both be happy there.

Taking a deep breath I walk inside of the Chaos cabin. The others are inside having an awesome time reliving our pranks on Annabeth. I smile but it vanished as I thought of their reactions to the news.

They looked at me curiously their hoods down the only place they'd be free of discovery. They instantly sobered when they saw me. I must have been pale as I had removed my hood upon entry.

Skylar looked at me with a worried look on her face," What's wrong?" She asked dread and fear on her eyes as she waited for my answer. I took a deep shaky breath and smiled sadly at them all before quietly saying," It's time."

They looked at me confused waiting for me to divulge on that. I look at them sadly and say," It's time father says we'll reveal ourselves during dinner. Tomorrow." They all looked angry and pissed then happy meaning one more day of pranking.

I lick my lips and say," I also think it's time to reveal ourselves to the chosen ones we shall forgive who knows maybe the Stolls will help on our last prank on Annabeth?" They grin and nod.

Time lapse___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Still Percy/Alpha POV

We gathered the chosen into our cabin. They looked confused as to why they we're there in the first place. I liked my lips nervously and say," must all be wondering why exactly you are here right?" At they're nod I gulp and finally say," We are gathered here today to-."

"Dude please tell me that sentence doesn't end with ' join these two in holy  matrimony'." Omega interrupts me. I glare at him as the crew laugh at this they find it funny. I shake my head getting aggravated.

"So before we were interrupted by the dolt-","Hey!" Omega cuts in I ignore him and continue." -Over here I was saying we have come here today or more like night technically-"," Get to the point already Starboy!" Skylar cuts in. My jaw tightens in annoyance.

" We'll if someone didn't keep interrupted me I would have now are you going to let me speak?" They nod looking guiltily at each other. Sighing squeezing my eyes shut I say," As I was saying before those two darlings rudely interrupted we are heretoorevealouridentities." I quickly finish not wanting to be interrupted.

The campers stare at me blankly then Rachel says," Were here to what?" I bite my lips and slowly say," We... Are... Here... Too... Reveal... Our... Identities." their eyes widen comically at this. "What?!" Rachel yells in shock.

I grin weakly and said," Red you heard me we are going to reveal our identities to you guys you are our chosen." With that being said Moonlace stepped forward.

She slowly took off her hood and smiled shyly at them and said," Hello you may not know me personally may have heard of me by my first identity my name before was Calypso."

Shocked silence filled the room then Nico splutters," The Calypso from Ogygia." Calypso smiles and says," The one and only." He stares at her in awe and says," So you met Percy right after the whole blowing up Mount Helens deal."

I grimanced at the reminder. Skylar and Omega laugh and mind link me. " Aww is ickle Alphie still sore from that." Skylar messages I glare as Omega puts i

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