CH. 15 The Darkness

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Disclaimer: All PJO and HoO belong to one Rick Riordan. The plot and any OC belong to me.


I remember once centuries ago running. For a time that seemed to be all I did during my existence. I would run from my siblings that it had infected.

It being a Darkness not even I could control nor contain. I remember watching hapless as each of my siblings fell, unwilling victims. I remember the fear and agony in their gazes once they had been infected.

I remember the sorrow in their eyes before they became slaves to the Darkness. I remember cursing them along with Father to keep them from returning to the Void. I remember their screaming and pleadings to be let in. I remember turning from them and ignoring their cries.

I remember my last day at the Void. Father's words of caution on my journey to Earth. I remember laughing and telling him he worried for no reason, that I would return after my study of these Humans my siblings descendants had created. I remember the sad defeated look that I had at the time given not a thought to.

In my youth I had had this foolish notion that nothing could harm me. Oh how I now despair over my ignorance. But I know if I could go back to that day I would change nothing. Even as I lost everything that made me myself.

I remember on my return to the Void being ambushed by my siblings. I remember fleeing to Earth in a foolish attempt to escape. It was no use as although I evaded my siblings
I had stumbled across the Darkness itself.

I was doomed to Fall from the start. I only realized this horrifying truth when it grinned wickedly at me. I had felt a stifling dark and disgusting aura emanate from the being. Never had I known true fear until that very moment as it leered at me with its ghoulish glowing red eyes.

I had done nothing as a bony finger reached out and stroked my cheeks. I remember feeling it corrupt me. I remember feeling violated and worthless. Only then had I fallen to my knees and cried as I grieved for a life I had once known. Crying and begging it to let me be.

I remember it laugh cold and cruel promising pain and death and all things evil and corrupt. Then it was gone and Father was there in its place. I remember the sorrow, pain, and grief his eyes had shone with. I remember breaking our gaze as shame at my impudence filled me.

I remember his embrace as I clung to him as if I were a frightened child. I remember hearing crazed howls of laughter drawing near. I remember that with a regretful expression my father left me. Once he was gone my siblings were there.

They had danced, writhed, laughed, and chanted like crazed lunatics as they circled my prone figure. I had watched as a bubble of laughter grew in my throat even as I writhed in agony as I felt the Darkness eradicate the very things that made me myself.

Soon a new wicked cackle filled the air as I watched on feeling disconnected from the going on around me. Then horrified realisation had filled me as I realized the voice that had joined the crazed celebration was my own. I was trapped and forced to watch all the vile and horrific things the Darkness directed my body to do through a hazy fog of lunacy, destruction, and death.

At that point in time I finally recognized the odd gleam in my siblings eyes as cognition. They too were forced to watch all the vile acts that our bodies committed. I presume you could say we were all in it together.

After a while it all seemed to blur together in a hazy fog of blood, death, and destruction as together we terrorized immortals and mortals alike. Then the gods interfered with the fun. One by one they hunted us down and captured us. I then had discovered without the influence of my siblings I felt more coherent and had some slight control of my body.

Then one day I was the last still free. They, being the gods, joined collectively to capture me. On such a day as they hunted for me I ran into a young man. He was beautiful a part of me wished to stay with him. The Darkness inside me hissed and recoiled in on itself at the sight of him commanding my body to end him. I did neither as the angered voices of the gods had drawn near and I fled.

The gods captured me soon thereafter. They put me to sleep they hoped to make it eternal the fools. I was and am far more powerful then they ever hope to achieve. The idiots. After a few centuries I started to awake. I was still under the influence of the Darkness however.

I terrorized all who dared step near my home in Tarturus. That being all monsters feared my wrath. I had children it got kinda lonely being on my lonesome. Then one day recently I'd dare say 3 years or so came a boy that looked like him. But at the same time not like him. Even if he distantly felt like him.

He, the look alike, was not alone. He was with an irritating blonde haired girl. She was quite ingenious in the way she had tricked me. Even if now I see how easily they tricked me I applaud that ingenuity even if I do hate her for it. Oh Chaos do I hate her.

The past is in the past however. Now I searched for Him. I had recently felt a shift in the foundations that made up my being. After their hasty departure from the depths of Tarturus I realized I could process my thoughts more critically and efficiently.

I even had basic control over all my motor functions. The only thing left to do was to awaken fully from my forced slumber.
Aggravating enough it took me three years to come fully into consciousness and my control was slightly slipping away again.

Hopefully I would find him before I relapsed into a crazed lunatic. I had no intention of returning to my previous crazed state. I hope once Father sees I am well he will accept me back into his Kingdom. After all these centuries I have missed my home dearly.

Its been awhile since last we spoke about the things going on, has it not? Its been a long roughly 10 months a believe. I apologize for that. Sorry the chapter isn't longer as well I may have found myself a bit lost on what my mindset had been. Due to this reason I decided to update what I had.

This year's choices, choose wisely :

A.) Skylar is in for a rude awakening.

B.) An old. . . Friend returns.

C.) Attack of the Fairy people.

D.) My demons they hold me down.

E.) Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

F.) If you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind.

Kudos to anyone who knows what songs I referenced.

P. S. An honorable mention to JaterriusWeathers for knowing one songwritter I referenced.

May we meet again,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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