Ch.6 A Game of Revenge

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Characters owned and created by Rick Riordan plot is my own.


Percy/Alpha POV

That little....ugh. She is so gonna pay for this. Like seriously cheating on me was one thing but, convincing Piper to break Omegas heart is another. She is going down I tell you. No one and I mean no one messes with my family.

We sit there in silence in the dark after Omega revealed Annabeths' twisted plan. So now I know why after so long I finally know the truth. I hate her for it. How could she do this. She should have left Piper and Jason alone but no she's to twisted for that.

Finally I can't stand sitting still anymore so I switch on the light. I start pacing thinking how do I get her back for this. What's she most scared of.... I got it....spiders.

Revenge will be sweet. All I need is a child of Hespheastos; Blaise. Two children of Aphrodite; Stella and Piper. A child of Hades; Allyson. A child of Hermes; Tristan. And lastly 9 'dead' past heroes; Skylar, Tristan, Omega, Stella, Landon, Allyson, Eve, Blaise, and I.

I grinned at them an evil smirk. They looked at each other nervously. I then told them my plan and they looked at each other and smirked. Blaise, Stella, and Tristan immediately set to work. While we waited Allyson summoned skeletal warriors. Piper went and helped Stella and Moonlace who also decided to help.

Skylar, Omega, and I grinned this will be sooooo fun. She'll never see it coming. Now all we have to do is perfect the plan and perform as best we can.

______________Time Skip____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Annabeth the Backstaber POV

Ugh, I woke up with a killer headache. I was in back in my cabin. For a moment I wondered how I got there. Then I remembered those idiotic I'm better than you Chaos warriors and kids.

I hated them the moment I saw them. Strangely though they all mostly seemed familiar in a vague way. Like she'd known them once upon a time. Alpha the leader seemed even less vaguely familiar.

He sorta reminded her of her loser boyfriend. Percy Jackson son of Poseidon he was fun while he lasted. But, then he seemed to get even more dumber and clingy. Then there's the whole seeing less and less of him like seriously. He disappeared for 8 months just to leave on a stupid quest.

He wasn't that smart either while they were together all he would do is play with her hair, hold hands, and kiss her. No, oh how was your day? If he did ask he'd then zone out

It was soooo annoying.

Really she dated him more for show. He was good looking but he was so dense. Like when girls flirted with him he'd just shut down. He was a strong swordsman but she always could beat him. Stupid really he lost control of his emotions way to much.

Really half no most of the time they had talked he would stare at her idioticly. She lost interest the next day after a month of his reappearance. So when he and Jason had gone of to a quest she found the perfect time to test out the waters.

Luckily they had received to good looking guys from Hermes. Sadly or luckily Cory the twin of the guy she was flirting with Michael wanted a girlfriend too. She had seen him check out Piper countless times. It was easy really two birds one stone. Piper had gotten suspicious when she started flirting with Michael.

So she'd made up a lie that she IMed Percy and Jason and saw them making out with two girls half undressed. Piper had dumbly believed her and started going out with Cory. It had all been awesome. Then those two idiots had to come back earlier and discovered us.

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