Ch.4 Moving On

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Characters created and owned by Rick Riordan plot is my own.


Percy/Alpha POV

Great just what I need right now. The four most insufferable people on the planet. I feel Omega tense next to me and I know he wants to tear Cory and Michael to pieces. I drape an arm over his shoulder Sky does the same on his other side. Being close to the same height does give you advantages.

Moonlace steps in front of him and he immediately wrapped his arms around her waist. Our not so subtle way to restrain him. He breathed in deeply slowly calming with our contact. We always do this when he starts to panic. Our team doesn't question it this is sadly normal.

The gods and campers look at us curiously which makes the four of us glare. You know you're in the danger zone if all four of us glare at you. I decided to talk then drawing away and stand in front and mock bow," Hello lowly peasants... you know it's rude not to bow to your superiors."

She sneers," You our superiors you should be bowing at our feet." The gods shake their heads furiously trying to earn her not to. I smirk," Why should we bow to something lower than us." She smiles victoriously waiting for Zeus to strike us down. Nothing happens her smile falters she looks at Zeus and the gods who are suddenly 

interested in their shoes.

"Mom?" She asks Athena looks at her hands as if they hold great importance ," Well? Aren't you going to strike down this mortal.... Fine I'll do it." I smile at this the little arrogant fool. My true family smile amused by her ignorance. She takes out her dagger. I can feel Tristan tense when he recognizes it.

'The cursed blade soul shall reap' the line from the 'Great' Prophecy. She throws it straight for my heart. I stop it mid air with power over time. I slowly turn the blade towards her with my mind. Her stormy gray eyes widen in fear. And I launch at her and stop it an inch from her heart I smirk," You said mortal you lowly girl we are not mortal we are primordials. Watch where you throw your toys next time I won't be so...nice."

She pales and splutters," H-how?" I smile a cruel smile and say with pride," I am Alpha Void Prince and heir to the Void. I am the primordial god of creation, time, betrayal and forgotten heroes. The second most powerful being in the galaxies second to my father Chaos creator of the universe."

Her eyes widen in fear I smirk," That's not the best part girly. The best part is I have siblings." As I say this the other three step up Omega smiles coldly and says," I am Omega Void 3Rd most powerful being in the galaxies. Primordial god of friendship, loyalty,and bravery. Prince of the Void."

Skylar smiles sickly sweet and says," I am Skylar Void Princess of the Void 3Rd most powerful being in the galaxies. Primordial goddess of immortality, courage, and combat." Moonlace steps up and says indifferently," I am Moonlace Void Princess of the Void 3Rd most powerful being in the galaxies. Primordial goddess of true love, health, and natural beauty."

I look back at our warriors and nod Tristan steps up," I am Tristan the weapons master a warrior of chaos. We warriors are the fourth most powerful beings in the galaxies." Eve steps up," I am Eve the strategist a warrior of chaos."

Allyson steps forward and says," I am Allyson the spy a warrior of chaos." Blaise holding on to Estella said," I am Blaise the blacksmith warrior of chaos." Estella steps up," I am Estella the fashion nova warrior of chaos." Landon steps forward," I am Landon assistant healer warrior of chaos."

Once that's done I look at Chiron and say," Hey, you centaur let us through." he steps away and all of us step through except Moonlace who walks into the barrier. I forgot you have to be invited in and we just stepped through. Meaning they now know most of us have been here.

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