Ch.9 pt.2 The Grand Unveiling

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Rights to PJO go to inspiration Rick Riordan all OC (other characters) and plot belong to me.

Ch.9 Part 2

Alpha/Percy POV

Ah, such excitement in such little time. Athena and her children are huddled in a corner crying their hearts out. Ok so maybe I feel a teeny bit bad about that but whatever.

She's one person out of dozens of other Athena children they'll move on. On to important matters now. Sigh, now comes saying hello to these semi depressed as Percy. Ugh, this totally blows.

I shake away such depressing thoughts and announce," Olympians the time has come to show you all our true identities. Now let us not mourn such a simpleton girl and go on with the proceedings of our gathering today."

All of them look at me in disbelief. What was I not clear or something? Skylar rolls her eyes annoyed already and the hard part hasn't even happened yet. I sympathize with her I too am tired of the proceedings.

Finally the simpletons all look at us. Ok so not all are simpletons but you know that already so why bother explaining. Alright I think let's do this thing. I tap fingers against my black skinny jeans. My Jordan clad foot tapping a rhythm.

Skylar flicked my head with her finger. 'What?!' I think to her. She points to the staring campers and gods then back at me pointedly. I shake my head stubbornly. 'No you go first' I respond. She glares and shakes her head in denial.

I narrow my eyes at her 'Go!' I think to her. 'No.' She responds and slaps me. I stare at her and flick her nose. She gasps outraged and launches herself at me.

Omniscient  POV

The campers, gods, siblings, and warriors stare at the fighting brother and sister. Omega stares for a bit before shrugging his shoulders thinking 'To Hades with it' before launching himself into the fight.

Eve looks at the mass then goes and slaps Stella. Who in turn elbows her in the stomach. Landon knees Tristan in the gut winding him. And Blaise joins by kicking out Landons' legs from under him. Moonlace just sighs leaning against the wall.

The campers and gods all look at her as they hear,"NO Y-","STOP-","AH! MY HAIR-", "OW! YOU B-", "AH! YOU WH-" , " GET OFF YOU AS-", "YOU JERK THAT HURT!"

"STOP!" silence fell after Moonlace finally had enough." Thank you now stop behaving like immature little children. Gosh, all you are like centuries old act like it." She continued after they remained silent.

Her family looked down in shame. All of them feeling ashamed of having acted like that in front of them. Moonlace just rolled her eyes stepping forward. All the campers and gods paying her rapt attention.

"Anyways after that display let me start the introductions. So you all know I'm Moonlace Void right?" All campers and Olympians nodded." Good, well I, unlike my siblings, was adopted by our father Chaos. And well you see all of you may have heard stories about me when I was Calypso daughter of Atlas bearer of the sky."

At those words she flipped off her hood. They all gasped shocked when they learned who she used to be. She stepped back and looked imploring as she looked at Eve who sighed and stepped forward.

Eve looked at the campers quietly before speaking," Though it's been centuries I've last placed foot on Earth I remember it as if it where just the day before. I remember awakening thy Sisters and assisting them refine thy skills." She paused biting her lip before giving a soft sigh," Thoust knows of thee as Evelyn Knight though thoust once knew of thee as a hunter of Lady Artemis a lieutenant to be exact, a daughter of Atlas. Thy knew of me as Zoë Nightshade."

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