Ch.11 Past Lives

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Disclaimer: I do not,and have never, and will never own Percy Jackson or any of Rick Riordan's wonderful creations (sadly). This plot however is my own.

Ch. 11

Alpha/ Nathaniel/ Percy POV

Flashback/ Dream Sequence


2000 years ago

Living is like dying day through day. At least to me that's how it seems. Being a primordial sucks at times. Mind you it didn't always seem this way. Once upon a time I loved being a Primordial god.

It's the loneliness, the emptiness, and watching people you've grown to care for die that get to you. Yeah like I'm one to talk right? I've hardly lived yet I feel like I've been here alive, if that's what I am, forever.

I wonder and wander to different places searching. For what? I haven't discovered yet but I know I'll know when I see it. I thought to myself. I sighed walking along the dirt path paying no mind to my surroundings when I bumped into someone. A woman someone. Reaching out and catching her as she stumbles feeling oddly giddy and revitalized as I clutch her to myself.

I looked up in curiosity at the new and foreign sensation of touching the woman. Once I gaze into her eyes I am lost. It's like I can't breathe when I lock eyes with the beauty. Everything just fades away and it's almost like up to this moment my life was without reason.

She looks into my eyes and smiles. And I can breathe again after what feels like an eternity. She makes me want to smile after a lifetime of sadness. I open my mouth about to speak when a distant cry of someone interrupted. She looked away sadness in her expression before turning and running.

She was gone before I could stop her. My heart ached and I felt empty. I felt hollow as if she'd reached in and taken my heart with her as she went. But a name reverberated in my mind the name the man had shouted. Nyx.





Flashback/ Dream Sequence End


I gasped sitting up in my bed abruptly. Confusion set in immediately 'How'd I get here?' The last that I remember was the ubber long new prophecy.

I got off the bed and looked for the others. Finding them in the dinning pavilion. Everyone was there. The gods having a heated argument. Everything and everyone fell silent upon seeing me.

A sense of dread overcame me. The others (I.e the Warriors and Co.) wouldn't meet my gaze. I felt sick and woozy as if knowing what they said would hurt. Nervousness and fear gripped my heart like a vice. I could feel and hear my heart beat and the blood rushing through me acutely.

"Really quiet now. What's going on what's wrong? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Moonlace looked at me guilt and sadness in her eyes. I reached out to placate her but she flinched as I reached out, I withdrew feeling hurt. I wrapped my arms around myself at the look in her eyes. Taking a small step back looking at the ground now. Knowing I'd surely break if I looked at her.

"Alpha-",she started and paused her voice soft and weak,"-You can't be with her." six words is all it took for my world to shatter.

"What?", my voice came out weak, hollow and broken. My heart was bleeding and oozing in anguish. My soul felt empty, unsure, and broken. A drop of salty water drew my attention. I was crying.

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