Ch.7 Just a Dream

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Characters created and owned by Rick Riordan plot is my own.




Percy/ Alpha POV

That was hilarious she freaking fainted. We didn't even get to the good part of the dancing skeletons. Oh well, it was still fun. Even better is that Moonlace caught it all on tape. This was an awesome prank. Blaise is awesome what with making projected images of us.

Anyways Omega and I grabbed her and hauled her back to camp. From an outsiders point of view it'll look like we're dragging her dead body. We took her to the pavilion where she'd be found in the morning. I snapped my fingers and made ropes appear that bound her to the table the ropes we're laced with celestial bronze so no slipping out of them.

I snapped my fingers again and red synthetic blood appeared. I made her clothes to appear to be tattered as if attacked by an animal. I created a dagger and made small cuts on her Omega doing the same. Once that was done I made a paint brush appear and using telekinesis painted her clothes, body, and surroundings red.

I then wrote a message proclaiming ' Beware of the Warriors of Night'. Omega stifled a laugh at this. It was our own private joke. Before leaving I took a picture of the image.Laughing we went to join the others. We made it look perfect at a glance and close inspection she'd seen dead.

We arrived back to our cabin where the others looked at us in anticipation. We grinned and I showed them the pictures. They burst out laughing. We decided to watch the video of our prank.

It was just wow we creeped ourselves out a little. And we weren't done yet. We aren't even going to stop anytime soon. She is going to suffer big time. By the time were done she'll beg and grovel for forgiveness.

Which we'll totally forgive her for. It's not like she turned all our friends against us. Not, note the sarcasm. For now though we'll lay low in case someone suspects us y'know. Can't have the fun ending before we really began can we.

We head for bed afterwards. Omega walking Piper back to her cabin. No matter how hard I try I can't fall asleep so I quietly sneak out. I go to the beach on a new spot. The water gently laps at the shore. The moon reflects off the waves the water looking grey.

I lay down on the sand and make myself comfortable. I watch the sky looking at the moon and think of Artemis. My heart warms at the thought of her. I close my eyes letting the gentle lapping of the waves calm me. I almost drift off when I hear someone approaching me.

It's her Artemis I know it is. Father thought us how to discern who  someone is by their aurora (soul signature). Artemis has a silver silk like signature and I'd know it anywhere. 

I open my eyes taking in her beauty. She was simply breath taking in my opinion. Her silver eyes seeming to look into my very soul. My breath caught momentarily. The moons rays seeming like a halo around her.   Then again she is the moon goddess. Eh, either way she is simply divine.

She sits next to me as I sit up. Her silver eyes studying me for a moment. I get lost in her eyes before she looks at the night sky. Her auburn hair loose and silky looking. Her lips part it looks like she'll say something but then she purses her lips.


I study her for a moment more taking in her presence before I say," It's a beautiful night out tonight isn't it?" That's all I can really say as my mind screams idiot! I mentally groan at myself seriously it's like talking about the weather.

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