S| My Omega~

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Maturity: Smut
Warnings: Omega-verse, Toys, Kinks, Ect.
Story: Long
Requested <3

(Shigaraki POV)

I awoke from my nap starving, probably cause I haven't eaten since the other day. No real reason as to why I just wasn't really hungry then so I didn't eat. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, the cool breeze flowed through my room, and it felt amazing. I got out of bed and headed for the shower just to wash off all my dirty natural oils from being outside and active with the heroes. I quickly undressed, taking note of every bruise and hicky scattered along my pale skin. I looked closer and noticed a few bite marks, the marks were pretty faded since we haven't done anything in a while. I turned from the mirror and stepped inside the shower, turning on the hot water as I allowed it to engulf me almost completely.

I grabbed the lavender shampoo that Toga got me sense it irritated her skin and made her break out some. I scrubbed my long silky hair, making a huge bubble mess along with it. I rinsed it out almost getting it in my eyes at one point but quickly wiped it away with a nearby towel before it could do any damage. I reached beside me and grabbed my honey conditioner that made my hair pretty healthy, I'm gonna have to ask Dabi to steal more of this later. I rinsed it all out along with finishing my body before getting out. I got out of the shower, turning the water off before walking into the bedroom after quickly drying off. I grabbed a pair of clean red boxers along with my lover's gray hoodie that had some burn holes that went to my knees since he was a lot bigger than me.

     I grabbed some shorts I found laying around and tossed them on before quickly drying my hair some more and combing it out. I find combing my hair a lot better than brushing it, less hair fell and my curls at the bottom curled better. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and checked to see if I had any messages before quickly stuffing it into my hoodie pockets. I made my way into the bar to find Kurogiri, I sat at one of the stoles while he finished cleaning some shot glasses before turning his complete attention to me. "I know that look, what do you need?" He asked setting the clean glass down, "Can I have my usual for my heats? I'm also out of suppressant.." I said slightly above a whisper. He nodded to me before turning back around and crouching to grab a basket, it wasn't a big basket just big enough to have a couple of snacks, water bottles, and pills along with condoms.

     I slightly blushed before taking the small basket and hopping off the stole, I glanced back over to speak but only to be interrupted. "I know, I know to make sure to either keep them away or busy, don't worry Shigs that's the last thing you need before going into heat, stress," he said with a slight chuckle. I only softly smiled before heading back to my room, I opened my door, closing and locking it before setting my basket on my bed. I walked over to the closet before grabbing anything that smelled of smoke or cinnamon, my mate's scent. I almost grabbed everything but a few pairs of clothing before laying them all on the ground in front of my bed. I had a fairly big room so I had plenty of room to make a nest at the foot of my bed.

     I fiddled with the clothing until it was perfect, making sure everything was in its rightful place before putting my attention on my basket. I grabbed it and set it next to my nest for close reach. I grabbed a bottle of water to keep myself refreshed, I don't want a dry heat after all. I ate a couple of snacks before snuggling close to the familiar scent, smiling softly at our scents mixing perfectly. 'Dabi would be so proud' I thought to myself, Dabi was currently out with some other members getting some more food, clothing, and essentials that we ran out of days ago but kept forgetting to grab. He's been gone for an hour or so now which makes me incredibly anxious but I know he's okay, he's always okay, it's just my senses getting to me. I felt my eyes droop some indicating my tiredness, I let it take me over, and sleep came easy and comfortable.

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