Chapter 1

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 On weekends people normally plan parties or go to the mall but this wasn't any ordinary weekend. Just like those people, I had planned on going to the mall with my friends and getting some shopping done while also spending time with them. I had slept past my alarm for 8 am and woke up at 11 am. I had to be at the mall by 11:30. I rushed downstairs, grabbed some breakfast, took a shower, and left. I couldn't really buy anything because money was tight right now and dad was having issues with his many jobs and balancing.

Dad has had job after job trying to keep us above water but we were so far behind that there was no point in even trying to catch up, at least in my mind. I even tried getting a job to help us stay afloat but even with me getting a job, it was pointless. It has been hard for my dad since my mother passed. She passed a couple of months back from an underlying brain aneurysm that was stopping her from doing her everyday things. After my mother died, my dad and I had started to become best friends.

We did everything together. He would always take me to the park and get ice cream if we had the money but after his first job loss it's been rough. Like I said, I try and help out in every way that I can but no matter what I do we are still going under.

" Nevada, what about this top?" questioned Olivia.

" It is really pretty Olivia. You should totally buy that." I responded happily coming out of my daydream of sadness.

" Why haven't you been buying anything on these trips? Is it your dad again?" she questioned as she put the shirt back on the rack.

" Yeah, but can we please not talk about it, Olivia. I go on these trips to clear my head and not think about what is happening at home." I responded.

" Of course," she responds with a smile.

Olivia is one of my best friends. I have known her since 3rd grade. She has been by my side with every step I take. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than her. She is kind, warm, and she always looks on the bright side of things. Olivia is what keeps me going on days like this.

We had finished shopping at about 3 pm. After that, we went for a late lunch and the entire time she had tried to keep my mind off of the whole thing.

" I will see you at school on Monday, bye," I said as we parted at the door out to our cars.

When I had come home that afternoon, my dad looked more worried than normal. It looked like he was about to cry. I immediately put down my bag and went to the kitchen table.

" Is everything okay dad?" I questioned softly.

" No, Nevada. We are getting evicted. I can't take care of you either. CPS had given me a call and said if I didn't get everything together by the end of the week, they would take you away."

We both just sat in silence at the kitchen table. This was the first dinner that we were both quiet. 

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