Chapter 14

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It has been two weeks since my run-in with dad. Ever since that week happened Landon has been attached to my side. He wanted me to start sleeping in his room while he slept on the couch. I could tell he was tense and to be honest, all of us were. Connor has been on edge since Landon and I started taking up his diet of human stuff. It is still really weird to say. After being vegan for weeks, switching diets has messed with my system. My senses are all sorts of messed up and honestly have been since my dad's girl things' torture session.

I still have nightmares from that day. I woken up in cold sweats and in fear that he would come back and take me. But, I knew that wouldn't happen with Landon literally in the same room as me and Connor in his room next to the stairs. The boys take turns watching the house. They do perimeter runs every morning and night. While they do these runs, they also go hunting for stray hikers and campers. I can feel their emotions and they are just as terrified as me.

I finally had the courage to get out of bed and take a shower this morning. During that shower, I kept having flashbacks of the woman that tortured me. She had short blonde hair and piercing green eyes. The woman looked like someone out of a 20s ad. I can still hear her voice. You took him from me. I keep hearing that coming from her mouth over and over again. Before I fell to the ground in tears of pain, I got out of the shower. I walked over to the sink and wrapped a towel around myself. I stared at myself for a second or two and walked out of the bathroom. I laid out my outfit for today and put it on. I paused before I walked down the stairs. Landon and Connor were talking about making a grocery list.

" Hey, what are y'all doing?" I asked very calmly as I wrapped my arms around Landon.

" We eventually have to make a blood run so we are making a list of all the local hospitals or clinics that could help us," said Landon as he put down his pen and grabbed my hand.

" I have to talk to you guys about what happened 3 weeks ago."

" We were actually going to ask you about that but didn't know the right time," Connor stated looking up from the map of the little town.

" How did your dad even find you? I thought he was dead," Landon said with a concerning look on his face.

" I thought he was too but I guess not,"I responded with a sigh.

" So then tell us from the beginning," Landon said as he took my hand and walked us over to the couch.

I told them everything that happened that day from the time I got called down to the office to the time they found me in that building.

" Wait, the women had green eyes and blonde hair," Connor started, trying to piece things together.

" Yeah and she looked like someone who came from the 20s."

" The 20s," Connor said with shock.

" Connor. Do you know the woman?" Landon said, now lost in the conversation.

" Maybe, but I can't be too sure. I have to tell you something, Landon."

" What did you do Connor?"

" Do you remember that girl you thought you killed?"

" Yeah."

" Well you didn't actually kill her. I turned her."

" You what!"

I saw the fury building up in Landon's eyes. I could tell that he was about to snap.

"Look man. I didn't even know if she would make it through the night."

Landon lifted me off of himself and started towards Connor. Connor sprung up out of his seat and started backing away with his hands in front of him.

" That still would have been nice to know. So all those years, you let me believe that I had killed someone. Do you know what that did to me Connor? I hated myself for decades because I had promised myself that I wouldn't kill anyone and now I am hearing that I never did. What the hell man?"

" Landon, what was I supposed to do? I wasn't just going to leave her in the street. I had to do something. I felt bad for her man. I was trying to save her."

"Yeah and you saving her was probably the reason Nevada is in this mess in the first place."

" Um, boys, question. Who is this Samantha chick?"

" Samantha was head over heels for Landon. She was obsessed with him but I didn't know that until after the incident because someone never told me."

" Oh so now you are putting the blame on me. How childish of you Connor. You know what I am done having this conversation with you."

Landon then stormed off and walked upstairs. Connor and I sat in silence for a while then I got bored and went upstairs to find Landon. He was laying on the bed when I walked in. I walked over and layed in bed with him.

" Are you okay?" I asked him.

" Yeah, I am totally super."

" No you're not okay. Do you wanna know how I can tell?"

" How?"

" I can tell by your voice and how you are lying down on the bed."

" With Samantha being involved now-"

" I am not worried about Samantha. I am only worried about you and me."

He looked over at me in confusion as I scooted over and put my head on his chest.

" And why would you be worried about us?"

We sat up after he asked that question. I turned his face so that my eyes were looking into his and vice versa.

" I am worried because I love you Landon Meadows and I don't want that to be taken from me."

His face went from sad to happy when I told him that I loved him. He caressed my face and went in for a long passionate kiss. I felt his whole world colliding with mine. I could see everything. I could feel everything.

" Well I guess it's a good thing that I love you too. I have loved you since I first laid my eyes on you.These past couple of weeks have made me realize that you were the one for me. I just didn't know if you felt the same way that I did Nevada," Landon told me with a smile on his face and with a twinkle in his eyes, " When did you realize that you loved me?"

" Before I became a vampire but after I became a soulless monster, my love for you grew stronger and stronger as the weeks went on. Then when you saved me from Samantha and stayed with me until I felt better, it kind of solidified that love."

We continued talking and laid back into the bed. The way he held me felt so comforting. It just felt so right.

" I think you should move into my room. Permanently."

" Okay. I can start moving in tomorrow. I just don't want this moment to end."

" Then tonight I will clean out some of my closet so that you have space for your things."

" I like the sound of that."

Connor then ruined the moment by walking into the room.

" Is this a bad time?"

" Yes.Why? What do you want, Connor?" I asked him with sarcasm in my voice.

" Your friend is downstairs."

" Friend. Which friend?"

" She said her name was Olivia."

Great. Another issue to deal with.

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