Chapter 16

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Last night was the best night of my life. That "one step at a time love" turned into Landon joining me in the bath with a nice glass of wine with him taking me to bed afterwards. I woke up this morning with no clothes on and a naked Landon by my side. I rolled over to look at him and realized he was still sleeping. I got out of bed, walked over to my dresser, grabbed something to put, and then walked into the bathroom. I felt different both emotionally and physically. I looked around the bathroom and saw the mess that we left. There was water all over the floor from him picking me up out of the bath and carrying me over to the counter. The soaps that were on the counter were now in the left side sink. The way he held me in his arms, the way he kissed made me want to keep going. After the counter session, he picked me up and moved me to the bed. That entire time, I was in bliss. I have never felt so much passion before in my life. The love, the lust, it was everything I could have ever wanted. I saw Landon come behind me in the mirror.

" What's wrong?" Landon asked in a flirtatious whisper into my ear.

" Nothing is wrong. It's just that last night was the best night of my life. How about you?," I asked him as I turned around and placed my arms around his neck.

" Last night was the best night of my existence," Landon responded in a very romantic manner.

We heard the bedroom door open and of course it was Connor being nosy.

" Hey, are you guys decent?" Connor questioned comically as he continued to walk in.

" Yo! Get out!" Landon yelled from the bathroom, quickly finding a robe to put on.

" I would, but we have a visitor. He isn't happy either," Connor said with shakiness in his voice.

Landon and I quickly put on some clothes and followed Connor downstairs. There were four men standing in our living room. I clinged to Landon as tight as I could.

" Gentlemen," said Landon, hiding me behind himself.

" We came to have a conversation with you gentlemen," said the tallest guy amongst the men.

" James, if this is about the girl-" started Connor before he was interrupted.

"I assure you it's not. It is actually about Samantha. She is becoming a problem," said the man I am assuming was James.

" What does Samantha have to do with us?" Landon asked as he started to slowly loosen his grip on me.

" I want you to find her and take care of her," responded James.

" And why would we do that?" Connor asked with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

" She is killing people everywhere she goes, including Nevada. We have been keeping an eye on her since you turned her Connor , in 1924. Plus Landon, if you want to keep your girlfriend alive, I suggest you help us," said James looking directly at me, glaring.

" Landon, don't," I whispered into his ear before he lunged at James.

He took a deep breath and turned his head to look at me. He slowly turned his head back towards James and that's when I knew he would lunge. I grabbed his arm and squeezed it tight while Connor put his hand on Landon's chest to stop him from going forward. Connor shook his head and whispered," Don't."

" We'll help you only if you promise the girl won't get hurt in the process," Connor started with a bit of protectiveness in his voice.

" Of course. Just find Samantha and bring her to us dead not alive. Do I make myself clear?"

" Crystal."

" Good, then we will be on our way. Have a good day gentlemen and madam."

The group of men walked out the door and disappeared into the woods. Landon turned around and grabbed my face.

" What are we going to do Connor?" Landon asked, terrified.

" We are going to do what he said. We are going to find and kill Samantha," confidently said Connor.

" But how are we going to do that," I asked, becoming curious.

" We have friends all over the place Connor. Can they help us?" Landon asked, trying to be productive.

" I don't know, but we can give it a shot," Connor responded with determination in his voice.

Throughout the day Connor was making phone calls left and right. Everytime I went to talk to him he was on the phone. Landon started packing bags so that we could go somewhere no one could find us. I was starting to get worried for everyone involved. I hate that I can't help. Since I don't have any special abilities yet, I feel useless, like another damsel in distress. I should be fighting for my relationship, I should be protecting my family, my friends, everyone. I have to do something before they do something stupid as usual. It's my fault that we are in this mess so it is my job to get us out of it. 

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