Chapter 13

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I had taken a peak outside of my window to notice that tonight was no ordinary night. Tonight was the night of costumes, fake blood, drunks, and flappers. Halloween has always been my favorite night of the year. I can be my dashing vampire self without being noticed as the actual thing. The ladies love a sexy dashing vampire that can sweep them off their feet. Tonight is also the first night that Landon and I have been able to relax and not run from our past. I had told Landon that we were going to Jazzy's tonight so that we could have some fun.

I walked over to my closet and picked out my least favorite yet still dashing suit. The only thing is, after all these years of living, I don't remember how to tie a tie. By this point in the night, Landon was journaling what had happened today. I think what he is doing is ridiculous but if it keeps his humanity in check I am all for it. I finished putting on my suit and walked toward Landon's office. I opened the door to only see him writing in his journal.

" Stop writing in that stupid thing and help me with my tie," I had said, standing over his shoulder and seeing what he wrote.

" You are 65 years old and still don't know how to tie a tie? What will father think?" Landon questioned, with a brow raised and a smirk.

" Father is buried 6 feet under along with mother. I don't think he cares much." I rebutted while staring into the mirror trying to focus on his tie loop.

" You know I don't like doing this much so you are the lead tonight brother," Landon said as he tapped my shoulders and messed up my concentration.

" Hey! I was almost done with that!" I yelled more annoyed than ever.

I had spilled some liquor on myself trying to get myself all jazzed for Jazzy's. Thankfully it was Landon's so I didn't really care.

" Are you almost ready Connor? The ladies are waiting," Landon yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I walked out of the room and down the spiral staircase, almost tripping over my own two feet. Landon and I met at the bottom of the stairs. I gave him a glare and then walked out the door starting to head towards the corner of 5th and 7th street. Jazzy's was my favorite club and the people within Jazzy's were amazing. I was walking towards the back of the clothing store that the club was hidden under when I heard something in the distance. I ignored and continued to walk.

" Password," stated the bouncer.

" We weren't given a password. We have been instructed to give a last name only," I told the bouncer calmly.

" Fine. A last name then," responded the bouncer with anger in his voice.

" Meadows," I had told him with a glare that Landon couldn't see.

" My apologies gentlemen. I didn't realize you would be joining us tonight. Please enter," said the bouncer embarrassed.

The bouncer then opened the door and looked down at the ground, not making eye contact with either of us. We walked through the brass door and entered the magical nightclub of Jazzy's. I went to go find our reserved table towards the back of the club while Landon grabbed our drinks. I noticed Amelia had started to walk up onto the stage. I noticed a couple of lovely broads coming my way.

" Hello Mr. Meadows," said the two women simultaneously.

" Ladies, please, call me Connor."

Landon started walking towards our table with two bourbons in his hand.

" Brother, come join us!" I yelled, starting to become giddy.

I had compelled the girls to be on their best behavior.

" Ladies," Landon said with a smirk.

" Hello, Mr. Meadows," said the ladies once more to Landon.

" Did you use your compulsion on them?" he had asked me in a whisper.

" Maybe," I responded with a smirk.

I was waiting to see how many drinks it would take to get Landon drunk. If Landon was drunk this night would be so much fun. I started taking the ladies to the bathroom one by one, taking sips at a time.

" Are you having fun, Ms. Claire?" I asked her while tearing into her neck.

" You know I am Connor," she said, breathing heavily.

" Now that I am finished I need you to drink this."

I gave the ladies a vile of my blood so that they could heal before Amelia saw. It was a good thing the ladies here wear feather boas.

" Let's get you back to the table Ms. Claire."

I started walking Claire back to the table when I noticed Landon was missing. This is the part of the story I had left out while telling it to Landon and Nevada.

I directed Claire back to the table while I went to search for Amelia to find out where Landon went. I finally located her in the dressing room getting ready for her next performance.

" Amelia, we have a problem."

" What's wrong? And I thought I told you not to feed in my club," said Amelia with anger in her voice.

" That isn't our priority right now. I need to find Landon. I was feeding and when I am done with the girls I send them back to the table to sit with Landon. Normally it isn't a big deal but now I seriously think he took the girl I had sent back. Do you have any idea where he could be?"

" He could be in the alleyway."

Before she could say another word I ran as fast as I could toward the back entrance. This is where I picked the story back up.

I shoved my way through the brass door and stopped in my tracks. There was Landon, draining the life out of the girl.

" Hey, Landon! What are you doing?" I yelled but he couldn't hear me. He was so far into the kill I had to step in.

" HEY! STOP LANDON, STOP! You are going to kill her!"

I yanked Landon off of the girl's neck. He turned around and looked at me dead in the eyes. His clothes were covered in blood. It was like a scene ripped right from a horror film. I ran over to the girl and checked her pulse. There was a heartbeat but it was faint. I ran back over to Landon and held his face in my hands.

" What is wrong with you? Why did you do that?" I looked at him with both confusion and worry," You go and get yourself cleaned up. I will take care of this. Go!"

Landon ran back into the club while I stood out in the alley next to the almost lifeless girl. After I did that, I ran back into the club and towards the bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door so that Landon could let me in.

" Landon, it's Connor. Let me in."

I heard footsteps walk towards the door and then they stopped.

" It's okay, you can let me in. Right now I am the only person that can help you."

Landon turned the handle to let me in. He was breaking down. There was blood all over the sink, mirror, toilets, just everywhere. I had no choice but to help him.

" I am so sorry Connor. I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did and I-I-I don't know what came over," Landon said trying to fight back his tears.

" I knew it would happen eventually. I just didn't expect tonight to be the night. I won't let you lose control. We are family. Family never gives up on family."

" Well that's my side of the story," I had told Nevada, waiting for her to say something snarky.

" I never knew you were so caring, Connor. Why haven't I seen that side of you yet?" Nevada asked with a smirk and a little laugh.

" It's reserved for special occasions," I told her, giving a side as I walked out of the room.

I started to wonder if the girl I saved that night was still alive. She can't be more than 94 years old now, right? I can't tell Landon that I turned her only because he would hate me forever and I can't stand an eternity with that. But it does make me wonder who turned Nevada that night. 

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