Chapter 3

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I unpacked and put away my clothes and took a shower. After my shower, I started to walk downstairs, and then I heard the two talking.

" Landon, we can't let anyone else know she is here. If the council knows we are housing her they will come for us or even her," said Connor worriedly.

" It is fine, just as long as we act normal and cover her scent everything will work out in the end," responded Landon with relief.

What did they mean by the council and how would they know about me? I had ignored what they said and acted like I didn't hear it. I continued to walk downstairs towards the two men in the living room.

" If I am going to be staying here, I need to lay down some ground rules and I assume you have some for me too," I started to say with reluctance.

" Go for it, shoot," responded Connor.

" First, don't you pervs go snooping through my crap. Secondly, don't take my food out of the fridge. Thirdly and finally don't go snooping through my phone and if I find out you did I will beat the hell out of you," I said with an evil look in my eye.

" Deal," said both Connor and Landon at the same time.

" We have a couple of ground rules for you too," said Landon.

" Fine, shoot," I said.

" First, don't drink my bourbon. Secondly, don't drink my bourbon. Thirdly, don't drink my bourbon," said Landon.

" So, basically what you're telling me is to not drink your alcohol?" I asked playfully.

" Yeah. Oh, and one more thing don't go into the woods at night," said Connor.

" Done. I hate night jogging anyways." I responded.

After the ground rules were set, we walked over and sat on their couch. The three of us talked all night until I went to sleep in my very comfy canopy bed. I was having dreams and they almost seemed nightmarish. I was standing in the middle of the woods staring up at the stars when I heard a noise coming from behind me. I couldn't make out the face because it was pitch black so I tried to find a spot with the moonlight but before I could see the face I woke up. I sprung up from my bed with sweat rolling down my face.

I had walked downstairs to grab a glass of water and a snack when I noticed that Landon was still awake so I walked over to him and sat right next to him.

" What are you doing up?" I had asked him.

" I could ask you the same thing. Did you have a bad dream or something?" he had asked me.

" Yeah, but it is a recurring dream I really don't feel like talking about," I responded with dread.

" I know we just met literally today but let me know if you need anything at all or if you just need someone to talk to. My brother isn't as touchy-feely as me."

" Is Connor always like that? I take it he didn't know I was coming?"

" No, not exactly. Your dad had called me when you guys were about 5 minutes away and I hadn't yet told Connor."

" Did my father tell you why he wanted you guys to take me? I am just trying to get to the bottom of this."

" Well not exactly. He had told me he couldn't take care of you anymore because of his mental state. After your mother as you know, he wasn't the same. You probably saw a change in his mood and his everyday activities. He didn't want to put you in harm's way if he had a breakdown."

He continued to tell me that my father brought me here to keep me safe and I believed him. I agreed with Landon, I did see a change in my father, but I didn't think he was dangerous just hurting. We had talked till about 1 in the morning and he had cleared things up for me to put my mind at ease. I slept soundly until the sun rose. Thank god for Landon and his chats.

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