Chapter 29

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It was their first shift together since they started dating and it was fair to say both Vegas and Pete were exceptionally excited to be spending 20 hours in each other's company.

Pete had arrived first that day and was practically skipping down the halls as he entered. It wasn't uncommon for him to be smiling at everyone he encountered so not many people questioned his excitement.

In contrast, despite also being incredibly excited, the instant Vegas entered the hospital he found himself busy in the emergency rooms with an accident patient who required emergency cardiothoracic care.
After resuscitation, there was no choice by to operate and that left Vegas preoccupied for the next 6 hours. It wasn't correct to say that he was distracted. No, not at all. Rather his work became more efficient yet still perfect as the opportunity to see his boyfriend was something he was really looking forward too.
"Vegas is caught up in emergency surgery," the head nurse spoke. It was so clear to everyone in the hospital that Pete was waiting in anticipation for something. That day he kept his visits with his patients brief and every chance he got he stood on the opposite end of the department island waiting for Vegas to walk into the room.
"I wasn't waiting-" he spoke in defense remembering his promise to keep this relationship a secret.

"It's fine, Pete, I know," she responded as she tapped his shoulder trying to comfort him. "I won't tell anyone, but just know Vegas isn't avoiding you. He's just caught up with something."

"Do you know how much longer it will be?" Pete asked hoping that Vegas' surgery would end any second now.

"From what I understand it's a pretty complex operation but they are already 4 hours in so I'm sure it's not going to take much longer."

Pete bit the end of his pen as he heard her speak. "I just want to see him. I miss him so much," he finally confessed. "It's been such a long time since I've seen him."

The head nurse couldn't help but let out a chuckle. It was amusing so see someone so in love with Vegas who was considered someone with a very difficult personality. But she was so happy for the both of them. Even though she didn't know Pete that well, it was very obvious how happy he made Vegas and she just didn't want that to end.

"Why don't you go and complete your case files and grab something to eat. The moment Vegas is done I'll let him know to come and find you?" she suggested. "You still are on duty, so let's try and not get distracted, yeah?"

Pete nodded. She was right. He was getting paid for this so he might as well be productive. But more than ever, people's lives depending on his work and he couldn't afford to slip up. No one was going to die because of his neglect.

"Sounds like a plan," Pete spoke with a soft smile. "I'll be in the cafeteria."


"Ahhh. What a long first half of my shift," Vegas said as he said down next to Pete and rested his body against the other's.

"Vegas, stop. People are going to see us," Pete said moving away from his boyfriend.

"I know what I said about keeping this a secret but my cousin, Kinn won't fire my just for dating someone. He can't especially since he's dating Porsche. But I don't careeeeee," he whined as he hugged Pete again. "I have waited all day to see my beautiful boyfriend, I don't care if people see and if we get into trouble, we will cross that bridge when we get there."

Pete couldn't help but giggle seeing how clingy Vegas had become. This was definitely a new side to him and he was already in love with him.

Vegas laced their fingers and rested his head on Pete's shoulders, "What are you doing?" he asked looking down at the papers that laid on the table.

"Organising case files. Have you eaten?" His answer was abrupt but the worry in Pete's voice was clear. Almost half they shift had passed and Vegas had been caught up in theater. It was no wonder Pete was worried about him.

"Not yet. But I am okay. Just seeing you was enough to give me energy," he smiled and pecked Pete's check.

"Come on, Vegas, don't be like that. What do you want to eat? I'll go and eat it for you," he spoke trying to move away from his boyfriend but failed when he just held on tighter.

"Please, Pete, let's just stay like this for a little while longer. I missed you so much," Vegas replied as he closed his eyes.

"Fine, but just for 5 minutes. And then you better go and eat!" he reprimanded. Pete looked down at Vegas feeling a sense of content as he watched his boyfriend looking all comfortable laying on his shoulder smiling softly.

"I don't think I told you this today, but I love you, Vegas," Pete said as he brushed his boyfriend's hair out of his face.

Those three words, no matter how much they said it, always gave Vegas butterflies. He sat up and looked at Pete smiling very widely. "I love-" he was interrupted. "Fuck these people and their timing," he hissed when he heard his phone chime.

"I've got to go. Duty calls," Vegas said as he stood up as showed Pete that he was needed down in the emergency room again.

Already preoccupied by the endless possibilities of the patient's condition, Vegas had walked away from Pete without saying much further but when he looked down at his phone to check his message again and was presented with his wallpaper of them, he knew better than to leave things like this especially since he didn't know how long it would be till they saw each other again.

Vegas turned around and walked straight back to Pete, taking his face into his hands. "I love you so much, Pete," he spoke before leaving a kiss on his lips. "Come to my office a little later okay? We can have dinner together," he added before walking off, once again very excited to see his boyfriend later that day.


Heyyyyy, to all the good people who have been reading this and supporting my work!
I hope you all are doing well!
It's been a while since I last checked in with you guys, but I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support and being so understanding with my fairly slow updating schedule.
So, I am not too sure if this is going to be good or bad news
But, after this chapter (chapter 29), I would like to tell you that there will only be 3 more chapters left until this fanfiction is complete...
So, yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and let the official countdown to the end of this fanfiction begin!
See you soon ^^

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