Chapter 1

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I sat alone in the dark room focused on the movie playing out in front of me. I wouldn't have been alone if I actually had friends. Well, I had a couple but they decided other things were more important than seeing a movie with me and I didn't want to miss out on seeing the movie Mama because I would be alone. I realized that I was doing a lot of things by myself lately and it was a little unusual for me. Me and my boyfriend had just gotten to 3 years in our relationship and even now he seemed like he was too busy to be with me to hang out. I suddenly gasped as my thoughts were interrupted as I felt my leg get suddenly cold. I immediately jumped out my seat and looked down to see my soaked pant leg and realized that one of the guys next to me had spilled his drink. He jumped up as well.

Guy- I am so sorry. Do you need me to help you-

 I shook my head. What a fucking klutz. 

Me- Its fine. I got it. 

 I grabbed my bag and started to shuffle out the aisle to get to the bathroom. 

Guy- I'm sorry again. I didn't mean to-

I shook my head again. 

Me- I got it. It's fine.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed a hundred paper towels to dry off my pants. Of course this would happen to me. If I didn't ruin my own clothes, of course someone else would. I wasn't completely mad though. It wasn't like I was completely focused on the movie anyway. When I got most of the liquid off my pants, I headed back to the movie. 

???- You okay?

I turned around and locked eyes with someone. It took a second for me to realize that it was Chresanto August from Mindless Behavior. I stared at him, speechless. 

Me- Huh? 

 He smiled obviously taking pleasure from my confusion.

Chresanto- You're pants? I spilled my Sprite-

I shook away my thoughts. 

Me- Yeah, yeah. No, my pants are fine. It'll dry. 

I couldn't stop myself from continuing to stare. This was literally my childhood celebrity crush standing in front of me. 

Chresanto- Do you want me to get you something to make up for it?

Me- No, it's okay. 

Chresanto- You sure? Popcorn, candy, a soda..?

 I laughed. 

Me- No, no soda. I think you gave me enough.

 He laughed back. He was literally 20 times sexier than I remember him. God damn.

Me- I'm just going to go back to the movie. 

 He nodded. 

Chresanto- Me too. 

 We both went back into the movie theater but as the movie played I couldn't focus. Chresanto August, well Roc Royal, was literally sitting next to me. How the fuck didn't I realize it before? I was in a daze all day so I must not have been fully paying attention. But damn. Are the rest of them with him? I didn't dare to look. They weren't little kids anymore. They wouldn't want me drooling over them. They just came to enjoy the movie like everyone else. I had to keep my composure. As much as I tried to force myself to focus on the movie, I couldn't. My mind wandered to various Mindless Behavior songs and videos I'd seen. Before I realized it, The closing credits were rolling on the movie screen and almost everyone had already left. Including Chresanto. I walked out the movie theater thinking of how much of a waste the movie was. I paid money to sit in a dark room and daydream throughout almost the whole movie. 

Me- *mumble* I need to get myself together. 

I put my headphones in as I walked out to the parking lot to my car. I had just walked out the door when I felt someone grab my shoulder, making me jump. I turned to see Chresanto smiling at me. He smiled at me.

Chresanto-  Sorry if I scared you. I was trying to get your attention but I guess you didn't hear me. By the way, what's your name?

Me- Oh, um.. Nicky. Well, Niccolette but you can call me Nicky.

I was such an idiot. I really had to think about my own name? He smiled at me again and I realized why I had forgotten my name in the first place. 

Chresanto- Hi Nicky, I don't know if you know but I'm- 

Me- Roc Royal. I mean, Chresanto, or- 

 He shook his head. 

Chresanto- You can call me Roc if you want. People call me whatever really. But I just wanted to introduce myself. 

I nodded. 

Me- Yeah, okay. 

He smiled. 

Chresanto- Okay well have a good night. Don't get in any more accidents. 

 He winked at me as I laughed.

Me- I should be saying that to you honestly.

 He shrugged playfully. 

Chresanto- No promises. 

 He waved as he walked away and I went to my car. 

Me- Yeah, I need to really get my life together. 

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now