Chapter 3

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When I got home from my dinner with Jay I sighed. He was really draining sometimes. After he had briefly spoken to Roc, he talked about how he was really becoming successful the whole rest of the meal. And when he wasn't bragging about almost being famous, he was on his phone texting his friends about his encounter with Roc. It was to the point where I wasn't sure who had the childhood crush on him, Me or Jay. I peeled off my clothes and got into the shower hoping a nice hot shower would cure my pounding migraine. I had noticed I constantly had headaches around Jay lately. As I showered, I tried to think of other things but couldn't keep my mind off of Roc. How kind he was and his bright white smile that litt up his whole face. His curly hair and the way he carried himself. He was kind enough to remember my name after meeting me briefly last week. As I got out and changed my pajamas, I had the sudden urge to look up his social media accounts. 

Me- It won't hurt to look. He's a celebrity after all. Everyone looks up celebrities on social media. 

I went onto my Instagram and looked up his name. After a few false Instagram pages, I finally found what I was sure was his real one. I looked through a couple of his photos and videos. It was good to see he was as down to earth in person as he seemed on his Instagram. after a couple of minutes of conflicting thoughts, I pressed the Follow button. He's just a friend, I thought to myself. And he's famous. He has thousands of followers. It's not that big of a deal. I shook off my thoughts as I put my phone down and got ready for bed. 

The next morning I woke up and went through my daily routine of fixing my hair, brushing my teeth and washing my face. When I was done, I went to my room to try and text Jay good morning before I cooked breakfast and saw I had a notification from Instagram. It said that Roc had followed me back on Instagram. And he DMed me. 

Roc- What's good lil mama. Staying away from spills?

 I smirked as I typed back a reply. 

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now