Chapter 5

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After I got home from the mall with Roc I texted Jay for the fourth time today to see if he was busy and if he wanted to come over. After an hour and a half with no response, I was on my phone to take my mind off of Jay's absence. I saw that he had posted on Snapchat 3 minutes ago. I got a feeling in my gut but against my better judgement, I clicked on his Story. It was his usual snaps of playing around and being completely full of himself. But then, his latest snaps were of him in what appeared to be a club. I watched as he danced with various females. He grinded all over these girls. The next snap was of him making out with some other females. Not just making out, they were basically having sex right there. On camera. I put my phone down and came to terms with what I had just seen. He didn't care about me or our relationship. He didn't  even have the decency to do all this in private, he posted it, embarrassing me even more. He probably figured I wouldn't have seen it since I rarely check his social media. I always thought he needed space and just because we were in a relationship, I didn't have to constantly be in his business. But I saw that he had taken advantage of that. Despite my heartbreak at that moment, I picked up my phone and began to investigate for more.

 After hours of searching, I came across everything. Well, almost everything. Comments, videos, posts. All that pointed to the evident year and a half he was cheating on me. As much as I was angry with him, I also was angry with myself. I should have known something for this long. My trust and love for him was completely taken advantage of. When I really thought about it, I had seen various signs but I accepted his excuses for it regardless of how ridiculous they were. A million thoughts were racing through my head. I could go to his house and really fuck his life up. Trash his apartment, his car, his various prized possessions. I could search more and find out where he was, I could embarrass him right in front of everyone. I could call up some people to beat his sorry ass. I could pull a couple of strings and have his life slowly fall apart and when he lost his job, apartment and all his little girlfriends, he would never know I had anything to do with it. But I decided to settle on the best option for both him and myself. I decided to block his number and all his social media accounts. If he wanted that lifestyle, he could definitely have it. 

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now