Chapter 16

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Roc's POV:

We were 3 hours into the party and everything was going great. Everyone loved the song and it seemed like everyone was having a great time. Two of Nicky's friends came and Ray couldn't have been happier. I had Nicky on my arm literally all night. She was too sexy to let go and there were a couple of guys around here I couldn't really trust. Especially around my girl. Well she wasn't exactly my girl but she was definitely my girl. While Nicky was talking with her friends, I was scoping out the party, everyone was litt as hell. I felt someone's hands caressing my chest through my shirt and I smiled. Nicky just could not get away from me. 

Me- Girl, I told you to go talk with your friends. 

I turned around and was face to face with my ex, Leah. What the hell was she doing here? I quickly pushed her hands away from me. A grin spread across her face. I couldn't even lie, Leah was still one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. But unlike Nicky, she wasn't a beautiful person on the inside too. I was staring into the face of the female that had me arrested for assaulting her when I was no where near her ass. It was sad how much power a woman had over a man just by claims. I nearly lost my career because I was labeled as a woman beater even after I was proven innocent. Somehow she had tracked me down and asked me to come to her house so that we could talk about what had happened and unfortunately, one thing led to the other and I was back in her trap. Then she had the nerve to call me crying claiming her period was late and she needed money for an abortion when I knew damn well I had protected myself. She asked me for money and I gave it to her and told her to stop bothering me. It was hard to stare in the face of the woman who tried to not only ruin my career, but also my life. It was taking everything in me not to slap her and give her a reason to have an abuse case on me. 

Leah- Now Roc, why are you acting like that?

Me- Get away from me Leah. I'm not playing. 

Leah- What are you going to do, hit me?

She smirked at me and I had to hold myself back from wiping it off her face. Instead, I simply just walked away. But I could tell she was right behind me.

Leah- Roc, I hear you have a little girlfriend. 

I spun around causing her to bump into me. I grabbed her wrist tightly.

Me- Don't even try it Leah, or I swear it'll be the last thing you do. 

Leah- Well then Roc, my bank account is running a little low. Give me a reason not to tell her a few things. 

I glared at her and she looked down at my hand gripping her wrist.

Leah- Careful Roc, don't leave any scars.

I shoved her hand away from me and stared at her in disgust.

Me- You're sick.

She shrugged and looked at me with a bored look in her eyes.

Leah- Roc, I honestly don't feel like going through this whole thing like usual. Can you just give me the money so it can be done?

Me- Or, you can just get away from me now.

She tilted her head slightly and pressed her body onto mine. 

Leah- And what fun is that?

She began to rub on my dick outside my pants.

Leah- I don't mind reconnecting in a couple other ways though. 

I shoved her hand away from me. 

Me- Leah, Don't fucking play with me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun around to see Prod standing behind me. 

Prod- Roc, um, Nicky just left and she looked pretty pissed. 

I sighed.

Me- Shit.

I turned to Leah and glared at her. 

Me- Leah, leave me the fuck alone, I mean it. 

She started to say something but I left before she had a chance to open her deceiving ass mouth. I pushed past everyone in my way as I raced outside to catch up to Nicky. I caught her getting into the backseat of a car.

Me- Nicky! 

I ran up to her as she got in the car and I caught her door as she tried to close it. I tried to catch my breath.

Nicky- Roc, let go of the door.

Me- Why are you leaving without saying goodbye?

Nicky- I said bye to everyone else but you looked...busy.

Me- Nicky, I thought you were spending the night at my house tonight.

Nicky- Roc, why would I spend the night when I literally had to sit there and watch some bitch rubbing all on you basically in front of my face. You didn't look like you were concerned with me spending the night when you were letting her rub on your dick.

Me- Nicky, just let me take you home and I'll explain everything.

Nicky- No, I'm going home in this Uber, Roc. Go back to your party.

Me- Nicky, come on, please.

Nicky- Okay Roc, answer one question for me.

She stared straight into my eyes. 

Nicky- Did you ever fuck her?

Me- Nicky, please, it's a long story.

Nicky- Roc, my fucking question.

I finally noticed her Uber driver staring at us through the rear view mirror and I began to feel embarrassed. Not for being watched but I knew I looked like a typical fuckboy to Nicky and even the driver. Despite her reaction, I decided to whole heartedly tell her the truth. 

Me- Yes Nicky. She's my ex-

She suddenly kicked my leg causing me to stumble back and she slammed the door. I knocked on her door.

Me- Nicky, please, let me explain.

I watched as she turned away from the window and the car drove off leaving me standing there hurt.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now