Chapter 18

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2 Hours Later:

I let Roc talk for hours telling me his whole history with this Leah girl that he was with before and how she tried to ruin his career and after he told me everything, I felt horrible. Roc was already struggling with this girl trying to ruin him and I made it worse assuming the worse and going off on him the way I did. No matter how much he tried to say the way I reacted wasn't my fault, I still felt horrible. But aside for hurt for Roc, I was genuinely upset with this bitch. She was greedy as hell to sit here and try to put dirt all over Roc's name just so her lazy ass can get some money out of him? I was all for females getting to the bag and knowing how messy men can be, using them to do it but to completely sabotage someone's whole career like that was damn near evil. To think that she was truly sitting around cooking up ways to milk Roc dry made my blood boil. If she thinks I'm going to sit there and allow her to do him like she did in the past, sis had another thing coming. But I was mainly glad that me and Roc were back on good terms. It made me feel a little happy to know what I thought I saw wasn't the real story. I really wanted Roc to be the kind of guy I thought he was in my head. After venting to me, I cooked him a late dinner and let him spend the night with me. As he lay on me sleeping, I noticed how I couldn't stop touching him. I was rubbing on his head, ears, neck, something. I was even sweating this boy while he was asleep. I really love Roc. He was just so sweet and adorable. And after hearing his relationship with Leah, I vowed to show him that not all females were put to get his money the same way he made efforts to show me not all guys want  to use you for pussy. 

The Next Morning:

The next morning I woke up to Roc still laying in my bed watching TV but I continued to lay down with my eyes closed.

Roc- Finally, you're up.

I felt him peck me on my forehead and I opened my eyes.

Me- How did you know I was up?

Roc- You stopped snoring. 

I hated the fact that I snored. Loudly.

Me- Did I keep you up?

He laughed.

Roc- Girl, no. You know you snore every time you sleep right? I'm used to it now.

He continued to flip through a couple more channels before settling on an old episode of Moesha and turned to me.

Roc- So baby, what do you want to do today?

I thought for a minute and shrugged.

Me- I don't know, I just woke up. 

He grinned at me widely.

Roc- Good, because I already made plans for us. So get your sexy ass up and shower before we're late. Messing with your ass being in the shower all day. 

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. 

Me- I never thought of it being a problem that I like to be clean.

Roc laughed at me and threw a pillow at my head that I easily caught.

Roc- Just get your ass in there and don't take the whole morning. If you need it, I could always help you.

He winked at me with a big goofy smile on his face.

Me- No thanks, I think I got it baby.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now