Chapter 7

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I was on my couch watching TV and eating a pint of ice cream. I was completely miserable after what happened with Roc that afternoon. I really played myself thinking we could have been together. And I knew the marathon of romance movies I was watching wasn't going to help my mood at all. The sound of my doorbell made me jump. After the doorbell rung two more times, I finally decided to answer it. I was surprised to be face to face with Roc who smiled as soon as I answered the door. 

Roc- Hey Niccolette. Can I come in?

I stepped aside to let him in, completely stunned. 

Me- What are you doing here?

 He looked around my apartment as I stared at him. He finally looked at me and shrugged. 

Roc- I could tell from the diner you weren't fine like you tried to say you were. So I decided to spend the night in with you so you weren't lonely. 

 He beamed at me giving me a huge smile. I couldn't help but smile back. 

Me- Of course.

He pulled off his backpack and unzipped it.

Roc- I even brought my own pajamas. 

I couldn't help but laugh.

Me- So go put them on while I put on a movie. 

He pulled his pajamas out his backpack and I pointed them in the direction to the bathroom. While he was getting ready, I was suddenly aware of my appearance. I had my hair in a bun and I had an old giant t-shirt on with pants. I shrugged off my sudden impulse to go in my room and get myself together. I was comfortable. Roc came out of the bathroom as I searched through the horror movies on Demand. 

Roc- Okay, I'm ready now. Oh and look what I got. 

He went to his backpack again and pulled out a plastic bag.

Roc- All the snacks you could ever want for a movie night. 

He threw his backpack in a chair and sat next to me as I selected the movie. He emptied the bag on the table and spread out all the various snacks. He really did have everything. Chips, crackers, candy, chocolates and gummies. He looked over at me.

Roc- You ready? 

 I smiled and nodded as the movie started. We both settled back in the couch as he put his arm around me and we snuggled closer to one another. I made a pact to myself that regardless of what I felt for Roc at that moment, we could not be a couple and ruin our friendship and I planned to stick to that.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now