Chapter 2

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Later that week I was finally going to meet up with my boyfriend, Jay. He lived 20 minutes away and always talked about how busy he was. I figured the gym he worked at had scheduled him a lot more hours than usual. Jay and I were high school sweethearts. I had met him when I was 15 and we dated when I was 16 and Jay was 17. He was the only person I really ever had known and one of my most serious boyfriends. I hadn't ever realized how much Jay meant to me until after a break we took for a year where we both dated other people. We somehow got back in touch and decided we couldn't be without one another. Love like ours was incredibly rare at our age. As I walked into the restaurant Jay old me to meet him, I scanned the tables for him. I smiled to myself when I finally spotted him, on his phone as usual. Jay worked at a gym and had the body to show for it. He was 5 foot 6 with brown skin. I remembered when we first started dating, Jay looked like  completely different person. Honestly, his looks didn't impress me but his personality did. After spending time in the gym, a year and a half with braces and investing in contacts instead of his old glasses, I guess you could say he had glowed up. With his new look, his cockiness had escalated as well. 

 I smiled as I took a seat across from Jay. He barely had looked up from his phone. 

Me- Hey babe.

 He finally glanced up and smiled quickly before glancing back down at his phone. 

Jay- Hey Nicky. You're late.

Me- Sorry, I just wanted to look nice for you. 

 He nodded not even paying me any attention. I became annoyed with Jay's sudden attachment to his phone but I held my tongue and studied the menu instead.

Jay- I'm sorry Love. I'm just handling something for work.

 I nodded. At least he saw his mistake and owned up to it.

He finished typing and put his phone down and looked up at me.

Jay- So, I know what I want. What are you thinking about getting?

Me- I'm not completely sure yet. I was thinking of-   

???- Niccolette? 

 I glanced up to see Roc standing next to me. I smiled and stood up to hug him. 

Me- Roc, hi. What are you doing here?

 He shrugged and hugged me back.

Roc- I love it here so I decided to come here for something to eat with the guys. It's crazy how you're here too. 

I laughed. 

Me- Yeah. Well, Roc, this is my boyfriend Jay and Jay, this is Roc Royal. Him and I met-

 He jumped to his feet and interrupted me and I could instantly tell he was on Snapchat.

Jay- Ayo, I'm here with my nigga Roc Royal. We in here. 

I automatically tuned him out while he promoted his Podcast and mixtape to Roc. He was literally so inconsiderate to other people. As long as he gained what he wanted, nothing else mattered. I looked up when Jay finally took his phone out of Roc's face and put it down.

Jay- So Roc, my man. I know you might have heard of me but I'm Jay also known as Jay Money and I was thinking, maybe you'd like to feature on my mixtape I'm releasing in August called Al-Gust. You know, gotta spread that Leo love. 

 I rolled my eyes while he laughed at himself. I never wanted to outright say it, but Jay's mixtape was honestly horrible. Whenever he brought it up, which was often, I always found a way to change the subject. Just thinking about it made me cringe.

Jay- Well, I'm going to give you my card so you can get in touch with me because I know you don't want to pass up this opportunity. 

Jay handed Roc his business card and surprisingly Roc took it and tucked it away in his wallet. 

Roc- Thanks Man. I'll keep it in mind. 

 He finally looked back at me and smiled. 

Roc- Hopefully, I'll see you later Niccolette. 

 He looked at Jay. 

Roc- Take it easy man. 

He lightly patted his back before walking away to his table. Jay finally took a seat.

Jay- Damn, I'm really that nigga. Nicky, did you see how he was all over me? He knows what kind of nigga I am. 

 He went back to his phone and I went back to the menu without reminding Jay that the only reason Roc even looked his way was because of me. But somethings are honestly better left unsaid.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now