Chapter 10

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Niccolette's POV:

 I woke up the next morning confused as hell. My head was pounding and I was in one of my nightshirts but I couldn't remember coming home last night. The party came back to me in bits and pieces. I got out of bed and ran some cold water on my face. I looked in the mirror and saw I looked a mess. My hair was in a lopsided bun on one side of my head and it felt like I didn't brush my teeth last night. I must have really been drunk as hell last night. After taking tylenol and taking a shower, I decided to go to Roc's house to see how he was. I made a bottle of lemon water, grabbed a bagel and headed out.

Once I got to Roc's house, I rang the doorbell. Ray Ray answered and let me in.

Ray- Hey Niccolette. How was the party?

Me- It was good.

Ray- Based on the pictures I saw, you were looking pretty good.

I laughed.

Me- So you're saying I don't look good any other time?

Ray- No, I was just-

I laughed again and playfully tugged on his braid.

Me- Shush. Where is he?

Ray- In his room. I think he's drunk. He came in last night and just went straight to his room.

I nodded and started towards the stairs when Ray grabbed my hand.

Ray- Wait Nicky. Can you cook something for breakfast again? Please?

I laughed as he looked at me with a sad look on his face.

Ray- Make something good so Roc can wake up to a good breakfast.

I shook my head.

Me- You're so greedy but that's a good idea so I will.

He grinned at me.

Ray- Well, Roc's favorite breakfast is french toast.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

Me- Ray, we both know that's what YOU want but okay.

An half hour later:

I was setting plates in front of Princeton and Prodigy when Roc finally stumbled downstairs. I grinned when i saw him.

Me- Good morning. I made breakfast for you since I figured you might be hungover.

Roc just shook his head and poured a glass of water.

Roc- You were the drunk one. I had to put you into bed after you passed out in my car on the way home.

I laughed.

Me- So you made that shitty bun in my hair?

He didn't respond as he walked out of the kitchen.

Roc- I'm going for a drive.

He closed the front door behind him as I stood there staring after him. He didn't even thank me for cooking and didn't even take one bite of anything. Something obviously was bothering him that was making him upset. The guys stared at me as they slowly chewed.

Prod- He must be tired.

He reached over to Roc's plate.

Prod- So I don't think he'll be wanting his food.

I snatched Roc's plate off the table.

Me- No, nice try. I'll put it in the microwave for when he gets back.

But after waiting an hour and a half for Roc to come back, I told Prod he can have Roc's plate and I went home.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now