Chapter 4

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2 weeks later:

 It was crazy that as I talked to Roc more, he instantly became one of my closest friends. We just automatically got along and had an understanding with one another. But I couldn't help but notice as my friendship with Roc grew, it felt like my relationship hung on a piece of thread. I barely heard from Jay but I saw he was very active on social media so I knew it wasn't just because he had work. And I honestly didn't stress it. We always went through some kind of rough patch and eventually got through it. 

 I was supposed to meet up with Roc one day so I could help him pick out an outfit for a party he was going to. I noticed lately how Roc constantly asked my opinion on his clothes and accessories. He would always say he wanted a "lady's perspective".  As I arrived in front of the address he gave me, I called him to let him know I was outside. He picked up the phone after a couple of rings. 

Roc- I'm almost ready, come in.  

 Typical Roc. Rushing me but always late. 

I got out the car and walked up to the enormous house. Damn,  I thought. This place is really huge. I nervously rung the doorbell. I had met Roc here twice before but we would normally just meet outside and get in his truck. I never really studied the house too much. I heard the click of the door unlocking and came face to face with Roc as he opened the door with a smile on his face. 

Roc- Hey Nicky. So, real quick, red or black?

 He gestured to the two different sneakers on his right and left foot.

Roc- I just can't decide.

 I laughed.

Me- Can I actually get in the door first before you start questioning me?

He shook his head. 

Roc- Yeah, of course. 

He stepped aside allowing me to walk inside the house. It was even more beautiful than I could have imagined. 

Me- Honestly I think you should do the red.

 He considered it and nodded. 

Roc- Yeah, thanks. 

He started up the stairs than stopped.

Roc- The guys are here if you want to say hi. 

 I couldn't hide my surprise. Hanging out with one member of Mindless Behavior was different than hanging out with all 4 members. I wasn't sure how I would react to that. I didn't want to freak out but this was Mindless Behavior. They played a huge part in early teenage years.

Me- I'll um, just stay down here and wait for you.

 Roc nodded.

Roc- I'll only be a second. 

 I sat on the couch and tried to stay calm. This house was so big, i probably wouldn't even see them honestly. And Roc was only going to take a second. I laughed to myself, that was unlikely. 

As if answering my thoughts, I saw Princeton coming down the stairs. He looked up at me and I smiled and gave him a small wave. I saw the confusion in his eyes. 

Me- Um, I'm Niccolette. Roc's friend. 

 He nodded and smiled. Then he reached out his hand to shake mine. 

Princeton- Sorry, I wasn't sure who you were. I'm Princeton. Nice to meet you. 

Me- Yeah, me too. 

 I rolled my eyes at myself. What? He just laughed. 

Princeton- Don't worry about it. That's not the worst greeting I've heard. By the way, Roc doesn't have manners. Do you want some water or something to eat?

 He gestured to the kitchen and I shook my head. 

Me- No, thank you. We're about to get going soon. 

He nodded. 

Princeton- Okay, well maybe you can join us for dinner or something one day. 

I smiled. 

Me- Maybe I will. Nice meeting you. 

He smiled back as he went into the kitchen. 

Princeton- You too. 

Roc came racing down the stairs with his car keys in his hand.

Roc- You ready?

 Me- Yes, finally. 

He shrugged. 

Roc- It's not my fault you can't rush perfection. You'll learn this eventually in life little one.

I rolled my eyes and shoved his towards the door. 

Me- Let's go.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now